Online | 11 December 2024, 16:30 CET/10:30am EST/7:30am PST

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The Innovator's Handbook 2025 Launch Event


Now the dust of the innovation-labs-closing-spree is settling, and beyond the current hype of AI... what is truly, really, fundamentally our role as innovation function?

This is what we'll explore during The Innovator's Handbook 2025 Launch Event. Three panel conversations, each addressing one key question:

  • What is the value we can and should provide to our organizations? Whether that's growth, transformation, change... What might be the best way to define innovation and sharpen our focus in the current context?
  • What's the most effective way to deliver that value? Yes, AI can help optimize our processes... but those processes should be solid in the first place. Too many initiatives still don't make it big enough to matter. What might be the best way to structure and "do" innovation?
  • How to measure and showcase the value we create? How come we're still struggling to get leadership buy-in and support from key functions, to do our work? We still have a long way to go to build confidence and credibility... How might we engage our stakeholders differently throughout the innovation process to show progress?

Join the conversation with your favourite thought leaders, members of Innov8rs Community and hundreds of other corporate innovators from around the world... to get in good shape for making 2025 your best year yet!


The agenda.

16:30-16:40 CET/10:30am-10:40am EST/7:30-7:40am PST


Welcome by your Innov8rs hosts...

16:40-17:30 CET/10:40am-11:30am EST/7:40-8:30am PST

Room 1 | What is the value we can and should provide to our organizations?

Join the conversation with

16:40-17:30 CET/10:40am-11:30am EST/7:40-8:30am PST

Room 2 | What's the most effective way to deliver that value?

Join the conversation with

16:40-17:30 CET/10:40am-11:30am EST/7:40-8:30am PST

Room 3 | How to measure and showcase the value we create?

Join the conversation with

17:30-18:00 CET/11:30am-12pm EST/8:30-9am PST

Unveiling... The Innovator's Handbook 2025

Hear from...

17:30-18:00 CET/11:30am-12pm EST/8:30-9am PST

VIP Afterparty

We invite members of Innov8rs Community, participants to our recent conferences and other fans, friends and followers to stay on for a short networking afterparty with a coffee, coke or cocktail...

On the VIP list? Check your calendar invite for further info/instructions. Not sure you're on the list and/or you want to crash this party anyways? Email

Join the conversation.

During this event we'll launch the 2025 edition of The Innovator's Handbook- the "how to bible" for everyone in a corporate innovation role.

By signing up for the event, you'll be the first to get your complimentary ebook copy of the handbook.

It's free to join but great value... Sign up via the form below.

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