Now available...

The 2024 edition of the "must-read" + "must-do" book for everyone leading and doing innovation in large organizations.


Leading innovation in large organizations can feel like being on an island.

From implementing incremental improvements for existing products and services, to launching new business models and building disruptive ventures, the innovation function in large organizations is responsible for creating new value, resulting in top and/or bottom line growth.

That’s easier said than done. Innovation sounds sexy and glamorous, but as we all know- in reality, it isn’t.

On top of our actual innovation work, which is more than a full-time job already, we have to closely align with business stakeholders and invest a lot of time in trying to change ‘how things are done’.

You don't need to go alone. Innov8rs offers you a community of peers to learn from and collaborate with.

It’s a space to safely discuss crucial moves and critical decisions with others, facing similar challenges and chasing similar goals.

You’ll learn new methods, frameworks and tools. You’ll understand what other companies are doing. You’ll collaborate with others to solve the many strategic and tactical challenges.

Innov8rs is where you keep up with what’s working now and what’s coming next, in order to make it happen in your organization.

Here's how you can engage.

Innov8rs Community

The best learning resource for any corporate innovation professional.

As a community member, you can engage in different ways to tap into the experience and expertise of others.

Your membership experience is personalized to you, providing you with targeted content, in-depth conversations and relevant connections.


Innov8rs Conferences

A conference where you'll actually learn and do stuff.

Join a curated group of 250+ corporate innovators from across industries for two full days of in-depth conversations, relevant connections and quality content.

Innov8rs conferences are not just another conference, where you'll be forced to listen to talking heads on stage all day long. You'll actively engage and actually learn, so you'll leave with actionable insights to implement.


Innov8rs CoLab

Solve your biggest innovation and growth challenge through collaboration with peers.

Innov8rs CoLab is a member-driven collaboration of senior innovation leaders from the world’s leading (non-competing) organizations.

They each address their company’s main innovation and growth challenge(s) by using 15+ different support formats, such as collaborative learning sessions and selected peer benchmarking conversations.


K8, your Innov8rs Companion

We’re starting to use AI tools in our innovation processes… why not leverage one for personal productivity?

For any questions that you have about anything corporate innovation, simply ask K8, your Innov8rs Companion.

Learning from the 800+ hours of content on our platform plus several curated other sources of high-quality content, K8 (pronounced “Kate”) will be available anytime to assist you in your day to day.


From our blog.

Subscribe to our newsletter [i8upd8] to get bi-weekly updates and stay on top of what's going on in the field of corporate innovation.

Bringing innovators together since 2011.

Since 2011, we’ve hosted 30+ conferences in 30+ cities around the world, from Singapore to San Francisco and Sydney to Stockholm.

Our conferences have always been designed for diversity, action and collaboration, welcoming typically 200+ participants from across industries.

Since 2017, we’re also hosting online sessions our “glocal” tribe asked us if we could facilitate knowledge sharing and peer to peer interaction after our in-person conferences.

Now, our main offer is the Innov8rs Community membership, your best support resource to learn new approaches, solve challenges and improve outcomes.

If you have "innovation" in your title, this is your tribe.

See you soon!