From Mindset to Movement: 5 Innovation Leaders On How To Get Buy-In and Change Culture

Everyone loves disruption, right until it comes to their doorstep. As humans, we seem to be hardwired to protect the status quo, even if future gains may rationally point us towards change. It’s no wonder that we face resistance to and lack of support for our efforts to innovate. All of our colleagues, especially those at the top, may talk a lot…

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Coping With Challenges and Changes: Embracing the Growth Mindset and Creating Psychological Safety

As corporate innovators, we face many different challenges, day in, day out. Since Covid hit, as innovation function we’ve been tasked to help with everything from digitizing core business process and product pivots, to launch new potentially self-disruptive ventures in new markets from scratch. Innovation is more important than ever before, yet…

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Measuring Innovation Progress and Communicating Innovation Investment

The uncertainty associated with innovation needs to be managed. Yet in order to be able to manage something, it first needs to be measured and understood. Unfortunately, traditional financial accounting metrics have not evolved to address the needs of innovation management, and it’s unlikely that accounting standards will change in the near…

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3x Employee-Driven Innovation at NASA, Nestlé and IBM

Sometimes, the best ideas are hidden in plain sight. In every organization, thousands of new business ideas waiting to be unlocked. If well supported, these could lead to major improvements of existing products or services and business models, or to launching new ones alltogether. Yet most employees getting those ideas whilst doing their jobs,…

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How Invincible Is Your Company?

There has been a significant shift in leadership attitude towards innovation. Leaders now value innovation as their most important driver of growth. But even as leaders have become more interested in innovation, they still struggle to create the right structures and processes within their companies. So how do we fix this gap between aspiration and…

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What Makes Incubation Efforts Successful

There's no one-size-fits-all approach to successful innovation, but we can draw lessons from how other companies have organized their efforts. At a recent Innov8s Connect event, innovation and growth advisor Rachel Gordon sat down with Puja Samuel and Linda Elkins to discuss what makes innovation, and in particular incubation efforts, successful.…

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The Science of Innovation

Innovation is not as simple as acting on a remarkable idea. It is a complex process that is scientific at its core but one that can be developed over time. As Sparkademy's Alan Cabello shared with us during Innov8rs Connect Unconference 2021, there are three basic dimensions to innovation: the individual, the team, and the context. They must work…

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Scaling Up Corporate Startups: Making The Market

Scaling a fast-growing corporate startup or venture always has its challenges. Fierce competition, countless options and traps, unexpected crises, funding concerns, managing stakeholder expectations and dreams, new technology developments, changing rules of ecosystems, operational challenges, changing laws, and much more can make a scaleup lose…

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Digital Management for the Future

Driving real business model change requires more than incremental baby steps. It requires a transformative - even radical - approach to exploiting every digital technology opportunity in an organization. And that’s exactly where digital product management comes in. Built on embracing design principles and quantitative insights to drive change,…

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Unlock the Innovative Power of Customer Journeys with Jobs-to-be-done

Customer Journeys are a popular tool to map the end to end customer experience. Combining Customer Journey tools with Jobs-to-be-done transforms them from being solution-focused and complex to inspirational tools to help companies understand their customers needs and become actionable. Customer Journeys are a tool to map the process a customer…

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How Scandinavia's Largest Bank Became the Most Innovative Company in the Region

Faced with the threat of a massive competitor entering the marketplace, DNB, the largest Norwegian bank, rose to the challenge of innovating faster with less friction and better results. Only a few years later, in 2020, they were named the most innovative company in Norway. During a recent Innov8rs Connect event, Executive Vice President for DNB…

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Three Things to Watch on the Disruption Horizon

For the past two decades, Charlene Li has been helping people see the future. Charlene recently joined us for Innov8rs Unconference 2021, to share with us the three things to watch on the disruption horizon. Rather than focusing on technology disruption, she explored more systemic and organizational disruption. Contrary to popular belief, Charlene…

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