How to Prepare for an Innovation Conference
This is a guest blog by Karen Holst - more info at the bottom of this post. Designing the most productive and inspiring experience Corporate innovation is a heady topic. There are many layers and roles, trying to make a more significant impact and innovate from within the larger organization. To catalyze and mobilize innovators and leaders of…
How Innovating On Design Thinking Itself Drives IBM’s Transformation Journey
A good corporate transformation story is hard to find. But over the past several years, IBM has managed to buck that trend - and they aren’t done yet.
The Future of Corporate Innovation
The single biggest threat facing organizations today is their inability to innovate consistently and experiment cost effectively. I cannot think of a more striking statistic than this one which is predicting the demise of 40% of the Fortune 500 in the next 10 years. A number that is heavily supported by what has been going on for the past 50 years…
Corporate Innovation: Here’s Why We Really ARE Getting Better At It
Intrapreneurs are often set with impossible tasks, and face a ton of obstacles. But, believe it or not, things are starting to look up.
How To Bridge The Innovation Gap Between Leadership & Intrapreneurs - And Actually Make It To Market
What’s your company’s intrapreneurship vision? And how have you integrated that vision as a measurable, company-wide business process? If you can answer that question, stop reading right now - you’ve earned the right to spend the rest of the day at the beach, sipping an umbrella drink and basking in your own awesomeness. The rest of us, however,…
Radical Innovation: What Does The Corporation Of The Future Look Like?
Radical innovation is not about playing outside the box; it is the art of changing the box’s shape altogether. When you’re a large legacy organization, shape-changing can seem almost impossible. But it can be done - if you’re willing to throw out the old, ineffective traditional structure and embrace a whole new model.
Innovation World Cup & Lean Elephants: How Enel and Telefonica are driving Intrapreneurship
Although it continues to be a learning journey, several companies are starting to find the right mix of elements for their innovation programs to deliver results. Beyond the 1-day ideation challenges and hackathons, the focus is now on company-wide implementation, in tune with the context and culture of the broader organization. Getting started…
Lean Enterprise Transformation - Top Down or Bottom Up?
Dinosaurs ruled the earth for about 165 million years, out-competing other animals of their era - until they were obliterated by the impact of an asteroid, and the small mammals who had lived in their shadows evolved to fill their niche. Fast-forward some 65 million years, and today’s dinosaurs are also facing possible extinction. The upheaval…
Is Design Everyone’s Job? IBM and 3M think so
“Design thinking is the search for a magical balance between business and art, structure and chaos, intuition and logic, concept and execution, playfulness and formality, and control and empowerment."Idris Mootee, idea couture In…
Intrapreneurship is failing. The answer is sitting in the cubicle
This is a guest post by Georges Sassine, speaker at #IntraCnf Toronto. Originally published at Huffington Post, and re-published with permission. Let’s face it, large companies’ attempts to drive intrapreneurship are largely failing. If we’re honest, how many of us employees are truly empowered to go beyond our day jobs and build a startup? Are…
Intrapreneurship: Eliminating Barriers to Happy Customers
If business success depends on happy customers, happy customers come from energized, engaged employees - and intrapreneurship is a key ingredient. That was one of the many lessons Ken Tencer learned through working with and speaking to Fortune 500 companies. As CEO of Spyder Works, Ken helps organizations to get their ideas off of the back of a…
To Truly Disrupt Your Industry, You Can’t Go It Alone
GE has always focused on innovation. Founded by Thomas Edison in 1892, it is often referred to as the world’s oldest startup. Chairman and CEO Jeff Immelt has been lauded for transforming GE into a digital-industrial company, connecting machines and businesses to the cloud with Predix, its operating system for the Industrial Internet. And that…