The Journey Beyond Fear
Fear is becoming the dominant emotion for people around the world. While understandable, fear is also very limiting. If we see the future as a threat instead of an opportunity, we tend to shrink our time horizons, focus on today, and adopt a win-lose view of the world. In other words, we don't pursue innovation. John Hagel III has spent over 40…
Getting The Fundamentals Right
If you don't know where you're going, how will you know when you get there? You won't get results from your innovation programs, processes and projects if the fundamentals are lacking. It may sound obvious, but in most if not all organizations there's still quite big gap between aspirations and actuals. From setting a proper strategy and…
Atomic Innovation: Five Tiny Habits To Amplify Your Innovation Culture
Success with innovation might have nothing to do with the latest trends. Often, the biggest difference is made by doing the mundane things differently, even if those seem boring or obvious. At our latest Innov8rs Unconference, we discussed the concept of “Atomic Innovation” with Elvin Turner, Executive Innovation Coach and Author of “Be Less…
Navigating the Politics of Innovation
By themselves, brilliant innovations are not enough. To implement your idea, you need more than a compelling rationale in order to successfully navigate the politics of innovation. You can do the research, discover a big unmet customer need, hatch an inspired idea, prototype a solution, perform the competitive analysis, collect the ROI data- and…
How To Green Your Digital Footprint
If the internet was a country, it would be the 7th largest emitter. The use of the internet alone causes emissions of roughly 2,3 million tons of CO2 daily. And these negative impacts will likely increase exponentially over time simply because the global population is growing and many people will still come online over the next few years. What’s…
Dual Innovation: Principles and Organizational Implementation at Bosch
Companies are striving to turn into “ambidextrous organizations” to become future-proof. Yet still very few know how to make it work- sustaining the core business and building new business concurrently. At our recent Innov8rs Unconference, we discussed these topics with Ralph-Cristian Ohr (Founder and Managing Partner at Dual Innovation), who…
Horizon Planning is Wrong
The current way most corporations and innovation groups use the Horizon Planning Model is fundamentally wrong. This model comes from the book “The Alchemy of Growth” published in 1999 by Stephen Coley, Mehrdad Baghai, and David White. The original purpose of the Horizon Model was to help businesses find ways to protect their existing revenue…
Executing Internal Projects
Driving innovation, growth, and success from within is at the heart of successful companies of tomorrow. Yet inside established organizations, disruptive ideas often fall short because of the bureaucracy, hierarchy, slowness, and cultural norms that permeate them. The tendency is often to suppress new ideas. In fact, employees are tempted to give…
5 Ways To Get The C-suite On Your Side
Compelling, new, and engaging ideas are not enough- getting the C-suite on your side throughout the journey is essential to succeed with corporate innovation. But that's easier said than done. Typically, the leaders' first priority is the core business, and for a good reason. For them, investing in innovation ideas equals exposing the company to…
The Design Thinking Law Firm: Innovating in a Delivery-Driven, Risk-Averse Culture
In 2021, global law firm DLA Piper was named the Most Innovative Law Firm in Europe by the Financial Times in recognition of their innovative approach to client engagement and their work in building a uniquely client-focused, inclusive culture across the firm. At the heart of their transformation effort have been the principles of human-centered…
Selecting The Right Instrument For Innovation– A New Framework
Too many innovation projects fail not because the idea was bad, but because they were dealt with the wrong instrument. In fact, most innovation teams do not know how to decide which instrument should be used and when. Innovation instruments are not the same as innovation methods. Incubators, intrapreneurship programs, CVC, Venture Clienting, and…
What Makes For Effective Innovation Teams?
Having the right processes and systems in place to manage your innovation programs and portfolio is key. But in the end, it's the people leading and doing the actual work that will make all the difference. Given the unique dynamics of the role, and the special skills required, it's not easy to find the right people for your innovation teams. As we…