30 September, 21:00 SGT/15:00 CEST/9am EDT

This session is part of Innov8rs Connect on Governance, Portfolio Mgt & Program Mgt (28-30 September 2021).

This session is now over. You can access the recording of this session and 700+ others and join upcoming sessions live, with an Innov8rs Community membership, the best learning resource for any corporate innovation professional. Check here for more info, and as a first step, apply to join here


Controlled Chaos: Harnessing Innovation Through Governance

Trending Topic Talk with

Ahi Gvirtsman

Co-Founder at Spyre

This session is now over. You can access the recording of this session and 700+ others and join upcoming sessions live, with an Innov8rs Community membership, the best learning resource for any corporate innovation professional. Check here for more info, and as a first step, apply to join here

About the session

Does your organizarion measure innovation and its outcomes? Is there any sort of governance over your high impact projects that are also higher risk? Does the governance you have in place empower innovation or stifle it? In this session, we will cover the topic of how organizations can measure, control and budget innovation without creating a stifling beaurocracy and while still enabling the unpredictable nature of innovation and entrepreneurship.

About the speaker

Since 2011, Ahi Gvirtsman has accumulated a rich experience in forming, building and running innovation programs for various types of organizations both as the manager of such programs and as a mentor to innovation managers of diverse types of organizations (corporations, municipalities, military). He personally designed, built and managed the innovation program of HP’s software division covering 20,000 employees worldwide. In his book “The PEAK innovation principles”, released in 2017, Ahi offers a common framework based on his experience that can be implemented by any type of organization in any industry as a way of turning itself into being innovation proficient. He is a 25+ year veteran of the software industry with roles ranging from large corporations to small startups and has an MSc in computer science from the Technion and an MBA from Tel-Aviv University. Currently, Ahi is the co-founder of Spyre, a company which guarantees at least a doubling of any organization’s innovation outcomes.

30 September, 21:00 SGT/15:00 CEST/9am EDT

Controlled Chaos: Harnessing Innovation Through Governance

Trending Topic Talk hosted by Ahi Gvirtsman, Co-Founder at Spyre

This session is part of Innov8rs Connect on Governance, Portfolio Mgt & Program Mgt (28-30 September 2021).

This session is now over. You can access the recording of this session and 700+ others and join upcoming sessions live, with an Innov8rs Community membership, the best learning resource for any corporate innovation professional. Check here for more info, and as a first step, apply to join here


This session is now over. You can access the recording of this session and 700+ others and join upcoming sessions live, with an Innov8rs Community membership, the best learning resource for any corporate innovation professional. Check here for more info, and as a first step, apply to join here

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