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This session is part of Innov8rs Connect on Foresight & Business Design (26-28 October 2021).

This session is now over. You can access the recording of this session and 700+ others and join upcoming sessions live, with an Innov8rs Community membership, the best learning resource for any corporate innovation professional. Check here for more info, and as a first step, apply to join here


Great Leaders Mix And Match – Cross-Industry Innovation

Trending Topic Talk with

Ramon Vullings

Keynote Speaker, Author, Cross-industry Expert & IdeaDJ

This session is now over. You can access the recording of this session and 700+ others and join upcoming sessions live, with an Innov8rs Community membership, the best learning resource for any corporate innovation professional. Check here for more info, and as a first step, apply to join here

About the session

Our world is changing rapidly. We are running out of space, time and nature. More than ever, we need solutions that provide an elegant answer to several challenges simultaneously. Single-point solutions are not enough. Complex problems require truly combined solutions and next level cross-border collaboration. Ramon Vullings introduces a guide (Great Leaders Mix and Match) to becoming an ideaDJ: a leader who creates impactful and beautiful combinations which add real value.

About the speaker

Ramon Vullings is an engaging keynote speaker, author, cross-industry expert & ideaDJ Ramon speaks about bringing the outside world in and why remixing of ideas cross-sector is a smart strategy in this digital era. Ramon helps business leaders with strategies, tools & skills to look beyond the borders of their domain to transform their business in a smarter way. His latest book: ‘Great Leaders Mix and Match’ focusses on how future-fit leaders can make more beautiful and impactful combinations. He does this for organisations such as NASA, Rabobank, Nike, TEDx, Siemens, PwC, FloraHolland, AB InBev, Deutsche Telekom & Audi. Ramon’s speaking style is charismatic, passionate and interactive. As one of the most engaging speakers in the world, Ramon grabs any audience with a combination of research, visuals, humor, stories and practical business tools.

26 October, 22:00 SGT/16:00 CEST/10am EDT/7am PDT

Great Leaders Mix And Match – Cross-Industry Innovation

Trending Topic Talk hosted by Ramon Vullings, Keynote Speaker, Author, Cross-industry Expert & IdeaDJ

This session is part of Innov8rs Connect on Foresight & Business Design (26-28 October 2021).

This session is now over. You can access the recording of this session and 700+ others and join upcoming sessions live, with an Innov8rs Community membership, the best learning resource for any corporate innovation professional. Check here for more info, and as a first step, apply to join here


This session is now over. You can access the recording of this session and 700+ others and join upcoming sessions live, with an Innov8rs Community membership, the best learning resource for any corporate innovation professional. Check here for more info, and as a first step, apply to join here

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