Ideas Die For The Wrong Reason – Using Sketches To Keep Your Ideas Alive
Workshop with
Kelly Custer
Founder and Design Director at Knack

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Would you like to attend this session as part of Innov8rs Learning Lab on Foresight & Business Design, 15-17 November 2022? Apply to join the program here.
Contact us for any questions about the program or our application process. If you are a member of Innov8rs Community, participation to this program is included in your membership.
About the session
There’s a silent killer of your good product ideas lurking out there! In this workshop, we will unmask this idea assassin and learn how to use sketches to disarm him. Together, we’ll practice an idea communication framework that you can use to stop wasting precious resources and losing innovation support over good ideas that die for the wrong reason. Don’t let your sketching anxiety deter you! This workshop will help innovators better communicate their ideas, regardless of their sketching abilities.
About the speaker
Kelly Custer is the Founder + Design Director of Knack, a product design studio that helps innovation managers create “Why didn’t I think of that!?” product ideas and visually communicate them in a way that gets their stakeholders to act. Over her 10+ year career, she has seen and worked behind the curtains of dozens of big brand product innovation teams. She and her Knack team bolster these teams by jumping in, shaping ideas into value-creating innovations, and then effectively illustrating the concepts to stimulate stakeholders.
Would you like to attend this session as part of Innov8rs Learning Lab on Foresight & Business Design, 15-17 November 2022? Apply to join the program here.
Contact us for any questions about the program or our application process. If you are a member of Innov8rs Community, participation to this program is included in your membership.
Any questions? Start a chat via the blue button bottom right and we’ll get back to you asap.