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This session is part of Innov8rs Connect on Startup Collaboration & Ecosystem Engagement (15-17 February 2022).

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Innovation, Collaboration and the Future with LG

Innovators Insight with

Will Barkis

Head of Ecosystems and Grand Challenges & Director at LG NOVA

This session is now over. You can access the recording of this session and 700+ others and join upcoming sessions live, with an Innov8rs Community membership, the best learning resource for any corporate innovation professional. Check here for more info, and as a first step, apply to join here

About the session

LG Electronics is known as a world-leading brand in products and solutions for the home, car and business. The company is looking towards the future for opportunities, challenges, and new areas of potential growth. LG has created a new center of innovation in North America, LG NOVA, to tackle these challenges head-on. This team is focused on bringing transformative change to the company by collaborating with startups to innovate. During this session, Will Barkis, Head of Ecosystems and Grand Challenges for LG NOVA, will share the unique approach the company is taking to build its future with outside-in innovation.

About the speaker

William Barkis, PhD, is Head of Grand Challenges and Ecosystem Development at LG NOVA, where he is focused on working directly with startups to drive the creation of transformative new businesses for LG. Formerly, he led corporate strategy and innovation programs at Orange, directed two open innovation programs at Mozilla and served at the National Science Foundation where he collaborated with the White House on advanced computer science topics. Will holds a PhD in Neurosciences from UCSD and a BS with Honors in interdisciplinary computer science (Symbolic Systems) from Stanford. LG NOVA, the North American Innovation Center for global innovation leader LG Electronics is a team focused on bringing innovation from the outside to LG. LG NOVA is based in Santa Clara, Calif. The center’s mission is to build, nurture and grow innovations that impact the future. Learn more about LG NOVA at www.lgnova.com.   

17 February, 21:00 CET/3pm EST/2pm PST

Innovation, Collaboration and the Future with LG

Innovators Insight hosted by Will Barkis, Head of Ecosystems and Grand Challenges & Director at LG NOVA

This session is part of Innov8rs Connect on Startup Collaboration & Ecosystem Engagement (15-17 February 2022).

This session is now over. You can access the recording of this session and 700+ others and join upcoming sessions live, with an Innov8rs Community membership, the best learning resource for any corporate innovation professional. Check here for more info, and as a first step, apply to join here


This session is now over. You can access the recording of this session and 700+ others and join upcoming sessions live, with an Innov8rs Community membership, the best learning resource for any corporate innovation professional. Check here for more info, and as a first step, apply to join here

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