Corporate Venturing: How to Boost Speed While Reducing Costs
Since 2010, corporate venturing has been emerging at speed (with a 42% increase between 2010 and 2015) through many mechanisms, such as venture clients, venture builders, scouting missions, challenges prizes, and corporate accelerators. Now the corporate-startup honeymoon phase is over, innovation leaders look for data so they can make better…
[Innov#8] Innovation Accounting: A New Scoreboard To Measure Innovation Performance
#1 Innovation Accounting: A New Scoreboard To Measure Innovation Performance Unlike conventional financial metrics and reports, a good innovation accounting system can identify a company’s disruption risk, outline the specific use of a company’s growth assets, abstract information, and improve the innovation ecosystem. Here's why it's time for a…
Getting Fired & 6 Other Successful Intrapreneur Exits
An intrapreneur exit is not straightforward When a startup entrepreneur is successful their final destination rarely deviates from three endpoints: they get acquired, go public, or stay autonomous and grow organically. But for a corporate intrapraneur there is no clear definition of a successful exit. The normal big company accolades of a…
Innovation Accounting: A New Scoreboard To Measure Innovation Performance
Financial reports have become unuseful for investors. Accounting is dead. Long live accounting? In his new book Innovation Accounting, Dan Toma, one of the keynote speakers at Innov8rs Barcelona, concludes conventional financial reports won't provide investors and leaders with the intelligence they need when measuring innovation performance. Most…
[Innov#8] 8 Innovators Reflecting Back on 2019
#1 8 Innovators Reflecting Back on 2019 As part of Innov8rs Connect, our virtual summit early December 2019, we asked corporate innovators across industries to reflect back and share their proudest accomplishments, greatest challenges, and best piece of advise for others. Here’s a summary of their reflections #2 ISO 56000 for Innovation……
8 Innovators Reflecting Back on 2019
Reflecting back over accomplishments and challenges can create clarity for the future. As part of Innov8rs Connect, our virtual summit hosted early December 2019, we asked corporate innovators across industries to reflect back on 2019 and share their proudest accomplishments, greatest challenges, and best piece of advise for others. Here's a…
ISO 56000 for Innovation Management: Everything You Need To Know
ISO 56000 looks like a lot of numbers and letters, but essentially it is the international standard for innovation management. It is a set of standard operation procedures designed to provide a general framework for all organizations, regardless of type, sector or size, toward the successful implementation, maintenance and continual improvement of…
Internal Innovation Requires Patience and Persistence
Although most companies are now running internal innovation programs, so far we haven’t heard a lot of success stories. To the contrary: such programs tend to exceed budgets, aren’t delivering commercially scalable ventures and at best, only help bringing in new skills- and mindsets. Overall, in most organizations, they yet stray away from…
A Guide for Intrapreneurs
A myth persists that innovators fit a certain mold. He (usually a man rather than a woman) is typically a young entrepreneur who gets an idea in college, moves to the West Coast, enters a garage with a small team, builds a solution, and launches an innovation that changes the world. Peruse any “most innovative” list, and you will find this…
How Should we Measure the Impact of our Ideas?
The essence of innovation is about improvement - and we know that this isn’t limited to radical breakthroughs. Rome wasn’t built in a day. But we’ve reached an inflection point when it comes to innovation; a significant shift in how leadership is looking at our intrapreneur programs, our ideation sessions, and our venture arms. Yes, innovation…
How Innovators at Thales Alenia Space, Société Générale and Osram Measure Progress
Just like the age of exploration from the early 15th century, we need to develop accurate tools to help us navigate our way - understanding where we are, what that means, and how we course correct to reach our desired destination. We've summarized how three of our speakers from Innov8rs Paris shared what their innovation GPS looks like. From sets…
Balancing The Three Horizons: Stories of GE, EnBW and AirFrance KLM
Despite our love for embracing the new, there’s nothing quite like an enduring innovation framework. McKinsey’s ‘Three Horizons’ is one such useful and time-honored taxonomy: a way of helping various stakeholders to visualize and realize an ambidextrous organization. The core principle is simple: companies can continue to build and execute on…