Can You Train Your Innovation Skills?

Trending Topic Talk with

Peter Daels

Managing Director at

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About the session

Why are some people more innovative than others? Together with the University of Ghent and a group of innovation experts & professionals we developed an innovation mind map of how innovators think, decide & act. With this innovation mind map, we can objectively determine the level of innovative thinking amongst your employees but also train & develop your innovation skills. In my session, I will share how to train and stimulate innovative thinking of people (indeed, your greatest asset for innovation).

About the speaker

Since February 2020, Peter is the managing director of, a unique assessment mapping the innovation skills of people in an objective & scientific manner. Peter holds a Master in Applied Economics from the University of Leuven, Belgium (KUL) & worked over 10 years in maritime & logistics industry before acquiring a market research company. During this period he studied the behavior of customers & employees in a B2B environment. He strongly believes that People take a central role in this technology-driven world.

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