Leading ESG Innovation
Trending Topic Talk with
Brett Macfarlane

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About the session
How do your teams and culture tackle overwhelming challenges through innovation without themselves getting overwhelmed? As innovators, we are often seen as a solution to the overwhelming challenges of climate change and the SDGs. Yet, well-intended initiatives often get stuck in organizational passivity or paralysis. Brett will introduce the research-based Innovation Leadership Map to educate, develop and assess innovation leadership capabilities. The map features six drivers that influence effective or ineffective leadership performance. The outcome of this session is an enhanced ability for your teams and culture to be empowered when tackling overwhelming challenges.
About the speaker
Brett is an innovation leader and educator recognized by over 200 creative awards and patents. He helps leaders, teams and organizations grow their leadership capabilities. The Innovation Leadership Mirror is his one-on-one leadership development process based on distinguished research completed at INSEAD that integrates systems psychodynamics, leadership and innovation. Additionally, he advises the G20 on digital solidarity, is a consumer start-up investor and is a member of ISPSO (International Society for the Psychoanalytical Study of Organizations.) Behavioural economics and elite sports psychology strongly influence his research and practice. He is also an adventurous cyclist and skier.
This session is now over. You can access the recording of this session and 700+ others and join upcoming sessions live, with an Innov8rs Community membership, the best learning resource for any corporate innovation professional. Check here for more info, and as a first step, apply to join here.