Measuring Impact
Trending Topic Talk with
Neil Malhotra

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About the session
How can mission-driven organizations—whether they be social enterprises, non-profits, or impact investors—measure impact? This session will explore the complexities of impact measurement and management, in a world where “impact washing” is becoming an increasing problem. This session will explore ways in which managers can make better data-oriented decisions without needing to become statistical experts.
About the speaker
Neil Malhotra is the Edith M. Cornell Professor of Political Economy at the Stanford Graduate School of Business, where he directs the Center for Social Innovation. His research studies the interactions between business, government, and society. He is the author of “Leading with Values” (Cambridge University Press) and the editor of “Frontiers in Social Innovation” (Harvard Business Review Press). He has published over 80 academic articles, and his research has been covered extensively by media outlets such as the New York Times and the Washington Post.
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