Reaching The SDG’s Via New Ways Of Startup Investing
Trending Topic Talk with
Joey Moreau & Kauan Von Novack

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About the session
If we really want to reach the SDGs in time we must act now. We’re halfway timewise but have only made 3% progress so far. Knowing that innovative solutions are needed to overcome our global challenges, startups are a crucial part of the solution. According to the models we’ll need to invest in around 170.000 early-stage startups if we want to stand a chance. Knowing that it takes the average startup around 5-8 years to reach a stage where it can really make a difference, we must invest now. But how can we invest at this unprecedented scale?
About the speaker
Joey is a young professional that lives and breathes innovation. He founded 3 startups and has been involved – either as a mentor or a partner – in over 40 startups. Next to that, Joey led 10+ corporate innovation projects, did over 60 speaking sessions and was one of the drivers behind the digitization of global startup accelerator Startupbootcamp. Currently, Joey is leading innovations in the early-stage investment domain, creating a new financial instrument called ‘Startup Indices’ in the process. With the 3rd IPO for this asset class being live today startup indices are rapidly becoming the status quo for startup investing. Kauan Von Novack is Managing Director of Startupbootcamp Amsterdam, Europe’s largest business accelerator. Founder of more than 17+ startups himself, with 3 books published, he has been active all over the world coaching Corporates such as Unilever, Heineken and Coca-Cola how to innovate, think and act lean and how to disrupt within corporate constraints. At Startupbootcamp, he is responsible for taking the way startups get accelerated & funded to the next level in order to maintain the speed and quality that characterizes Startupbootcamp as a leader in the market.
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