Join a community of peers to learn from and collaborate with.

Leading innovation in large organizations can feel like being on an island… But you don’t need to go alone.

From implementing incremental improvements for existing products and services, to launching new business models and building disruptive ventures, corporate innovators are responsible for creating new value, resulting in top and/or bottom line growth. That’s easier said than done. Innovation sounds sexy and glamorous, but as we all know- in reality, it isn’t.

We offer you the space to safely discuss crucial moves and critical decisions with others facing similar challenges and chasing similar goals. You’ll learn new methods, frameworks and tools. You’ll benchmark your approach. You’ll collaborate to solve the many strategic and tactical challenges.

As a community member, you can engage in different ways to tap into the experience and expertise of others.

Because of the support available, members have reported saving substantial money on consultancy fees, as they get the feedback and input they need from peers directly. Some members saved considerable time learning from the mistakes other made that let them to stop or kill projects earlier. Also, because of the learnings and insights from our sessions and connections, they the odds of success for their projects and programs have increased drastically.

Beyond making your work more effective, knowing that you’re part of a group of peers always willing and able to help will make the journey more enjoyable too.

Curious to understand how it works? Scroll down for more details.


You're in great company.

Membership is available only to individuals and teams, working in roles like
• Chief Innovation Officer / VP of Innovation
• Head of Innovation, Innovation Program Director, Innovation Lab/Centre Director, Innovation Team Lead
• Venture Lead, Individual Intrapreneur, Innovation Team Member
• Leader/professional in general business role or other functions like Strategy, IT/Transformation, R&D/Product, Marketing, HR/Change

Become a member and connect and collaborate with other corporate innovators from brands like

Here's how it works.

Your membership experience is personalized to you, providing you with targeted content, in-depth conversations and relevant connections.

Just like there is no silver bullet to corporate innovation, we believe offering “one size fits all” support would not be any helpful.

Based on your role, goals and needs, you join 3 to 5 Community Circles, with others working on the same topics, with others from the same industry and with others in a similar role.

Within your Community Circles, you’ll have access to

  • Peer support and expert guidance to solve challenges
  • Your personal advisory board mastermind group
  • Ongoing professional development workshops
  • Foundational learning modules and practical resources

Beyond your Community Circles, you’ll have access to

  • 800+ hours of video content (The Netflix of Corporate Innovation)
  • Community Club sessions to meet and mingle with all members

Let’s look at those items in more detail.


Peer support and expert guidance to solve challenges

In your day to day, trying to reach your goals, many questions and challenges pop up. What to focus on, how to do this (better) (faster), and how are others approaching this issue?

You can host a Challenge Call for you to get unbiased and open feedback from peers who’ve “been there and done that”.

Some of the topics we’ve recently addressed:

  • How to use AI for innovation management?
  • How to measure the value and impact of our innovation efforts?
  • How to better align our innovation strategy with business objectives?
  • How to kill a venture or project without harming our reputation?
  • How to build a strong portfolio across all three horizons?
  • How to achieve innovation goals with limited budget and resources?
  • How to survive the “valley of death” and scale/integrate pilots in the core?

We’ve seen this format to be highly effective for our members. Because one insight, one a-ha moment can make all the difference.

Your personal advisory board mastermind group

Did you ever find yourself thinking- I wish I could ask this question to other innovators and get their feedback?

Do you ever wonder how colleagues in other companies have addressed the challenges you are facing?

Would you say it’s valuable to meet with peers in similar roles in other companies, to discuss different approaches and benchmark performance?

That’s the type of conversations you’ll have within the Peer Pods. We’ll match you with others to join a mastermind group, which acts as your personal advisory board. You meet every 8 weeks for a facilitated conversation, to get and give feedback on challenges and discuss current topics.

Ongoing professional development

With so much change happening so fast, you have to keep innovating how you innovate. Throughout the year, you can choose to join 32 Learning Labs- online workshops deep diving into both new trends and established practices.

These interactive workshops feature innovation leaders and experts teaching their frameworks, sharing their lessons learned and facilitating group discussions.

Designed for you to actually learn and do stuff, rather than passively consuming lectures, you’ll upgrade your skill-, tool- and mindset, and increase your impact as innovation professional.

Check more info about upcoming Learning Labs and session topics and speakers here.

Foundational learning modules and practical resources

Sometimes, you just need to refresh your knowledge on same of the basics of our function.

For all key pillars of corporate innovation management, you can go through foundational learning modules covering the essentials in both theory and practice.

Moreover, you’ll have access to a curated collection of templates, canvases and other resources readily available for you to use in your next project. Why reinvent the wheel?

Content, Conversations & Connections

Our ever expanding library of content is an unrivaled resource of insights on all things innovation.

Whether you’ve got a specific problem to solve, or simply looking for fresh ideas and inspiration you’ll always find something that’s right for the task at hand.

Besides checking the content, you can discuss anything and everything innovation with other members, and expand your network or explore collaboration opportunities by browsing through our members directory.

Also, you’ll meet other members and make valuable connections in our Community Club calls, hosted 2-3x per month in different time zones and formats (think member case studies, book clubs, speed networking and more).

And to emphasize… you focus on whatever is most important to you.

The Innov8rs Community membership is not some e-learning course with a fixed curriculum that you have to get through. That wouldn’t be any helpful, right?

Instead, as a member you “bring your own topic” to address.

Within your Community Circles, there are many ways and several moments for you to ask your peers for guidance. Moreover, you can easily search for content and resources relevant to you via the platform.

You’ll find a snapshot of some of the topics we’ve been addressing recently, or are still addressing, in the image.

Pretty sure you resonate with some of those questions, no? What else would you want to work on?

Trusted by brands. Loved by peers.

"We had over 10 consultants sharing their advise, but none of that was helpful. That's why I participated in the Action Accelerator. In just one session we got exactly the input and feedback we needed to move forward with our project."

"Thank you! The feedback I got made me realize we were on the wrong course. This 1 hour discussion saved me months of wasted time (and a few hundred thousands in budget too!)"

"I'm amazed with the profile of the other people here. Everyone has relevant experience and is open to sharing and helping. I've been part of other groups but none match yours in terms of connections and networking. Truly remarkable"

"Innov8rs is the only place were corporate innovators and intrapreneurs get vulnerable and real about the challenges facing disruptors today and work together on creating breakthrough opportunities."

"I'm amazed by the format, how open, honest and authentic it was. I am blown away with learnings, reflections and new insights. Such an amazing crowd with a true sharing mentality."

"Wow, the content is so rich. This is like an MBA in innovation management!"

Join the tribe.

The Innov8rs Community membership is the best support resource for you and your team, to learn new approaches, solve challenges and improve outcomes. Your membership experience is personalized to you, providing you with targeted content, in-depth conversations and relevant connections.

As a first step, apply via the button below.

If your application is accepted, you’ll get an email to schedule a call with one of our team to discuss more details and next steps.


What's included?

Every membership seat includes full access to everything outlined below for a year.


Work on your challenges

✔️ Host a Challenge Call to benchmark your performance and compare your approach with selected peers invited because of their experience on the topic, sharing ‘the good, the bad and the ugly’ with you only

✔️ Have your “Personal Advisory Board” -a group of trusted peers in your Community Circles. Meet with other members a) in a similar role, b) in the same industry and c) working on the same topics, for monthly mastermind calls

✔️ Get peer support and expert guidance by actively participating in the many sessions hosted every month, as well as via the platform


Ongoing professional development

✔️ Quarterly topical workshops “Learning Labs” covering the best and latest in corporate innovation

✔️ 800+ hours of video content on our platform, like the Netflix of Corporate Innovation… like your MBA in Innovation Management

✔️ Work with K8, the AI-powered Innov8rs Companion

✔️ Foundational learning modules and practical resources


Expand your network and establish new connections

✔️ Join Community Club sessions (member case studies, book discussions and leader talks) to meet and mingle with all members

✔️ Find, connect and message with other members via the online platform

✔️ In-person meetups and social events in cities around the world


But there's more...

✔️ Throughout your membership, you get concierge support from our team so you can best leverage the community to meet your goals, interests and needs.

✔️ You’ll get exclusive members-only discounts (up to ~75%) to in-person Innov8rs Conferences, Innov8rs Deep Dive cohort-based programs and other offers.

✔️ If you like to get external recognition for your work, there are many opportunities to speak, join roundtables, be interviewed and featured in content. In short- your approach, results and perspectives would reach thousands of corporate innovators through our channels.

The options above are available for corporate innovation leaders and professionals only.

If you are a consultant/coach, software firm or otherwise service provider to corporate innovators, you may qualify for an Expert Pass to Innov8rs Community. As a first step, apply via the link above and you’ll receive more info.

Not sure? Let’s talk!

If you’d like to understand better how an Innov8rs Community membership will support you and your team in achieving your objectives, or if you have questions about our application process, just email