Area 120, Google’s In-House Incubator

Jackie Bernhelm

Partner Area 120 at Google

as recording during on 23 June 2021 as part of Innov8rs Connect Unconference.

Jackie Bernhelm is a Partner in Area 120, Google's internal incubator. Area120's work is to incubate projects from 0-to-1 by providing guidance, mentorship, systems, processes and resources, so that Google can continue to have innovative and impactful new products that would otherwise not exist. The incubator's goal is to make it easier than anywhere else at Google to successfully take projects from 0-to-1 and make it simple for projects to integrate into PAs to scale into successful products.

In this session we discussed the mechanics of Area 120 as well as broader corporate innovation management and career lessons learned.

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About the speaker

Jackie Bernhelm is a Partner in Area 120, Google's internal incubator. Prior to joining Google, Jackie invested in companies like Airbnb, Uber, and Square while at Dragoneer Investment Group. She also was the Head of Product at Location Labs, now a part of Avast, and led Product Growth & Partnerships at Kiva, the world's first crowdfunding platform. She holds her MBA from Harvard and BS from Stanford.