Oh No! We Have A Rebel In Our Team

Trending Topic Talk with

Simone van Neerven

Founder at reBella - Innovation Catalyst

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About the session

Rebels are the misfits, the crazy ones, the troublemakers. But are they really? What if they are actually your agents of change? The ones who see things differently, bring creative solutions to long lasting problems, and are brave enough to commit themselves and get it done. It is about time we see the power of rebels. In this session you will learn which behaviour traits makes a rebel, the need for an open mindset, and how to create an open and explorative mind for yourself, your team and your organization.

About the speaker

Simone holds a masters in Mathematics, and she is fascinated by people. Curious and creative, always learning. A rebel. In 2018, after a long and successful corporate career, she founded her company ‘reBella’. She is a catalyst for innovation, working with a wide variety of organisations globally, helping them to discover and unleash their rebel talent. She is partner at the Adaptable Mindset and an innovation facilitator at THNK School for Creative Leadership. She is also a published author of the booklet “Oh no! We have a rebel in our team”.

This session is now over. You can access the recording of this session and 700+ others and join upcoming sessions live, with an Innov8rs Community membership, the best learning resource for any corporate innovation professional. Check here for more info, and as a first step, apply to join here

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