Live Sessions

In the event’s main week you can join 20+ interactive group sessions. Talks, Workshops and Ask Me Anything’s, all covering what you need to know and do now.


Monday 7 December

Trending Topic Talk

7 December, 22:00 SGT/15:00 CET/9am ET

How Innovation Drives Shareholder Value – The Power of Diversification

Jan Sedlacek & Julian Ritter
Co-founder and Partner at Stryber | Associate Partner at Stryber

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Companies seek to maximise shareholder returns. In our study “The power of diversification – How innovation drives shareholder value”, we were able to identify an underused and underestimated way to do so: diversification, i.e. strategically adding new revenue segments.

Diversification captures a company’s adaptability in the face of changing customer preferences. The increase in diversification of revenue segments over time can therefore be considered a good measure of innovativeness of a company as it reflects the creation and commercialisation of new business models and products addressing new markets and customer needs.

We analysed levels of revenue diversification measured by the introduction of new revenue segments in the annual reports of 1,838 listed companies in the US and in Europe together with their stock market performance for the 10-year period between 2010 and 2019. In this session, we’ll share the ins and outs of the power of diversification.

Jan Sedlacek is Co-founder and partner of Stryber, a strategic corporate venture builder, and empowers leading organisations to venture into new business and drive growth by building innovative corporate venture portfolios. Prior to founding Stryber in 2016, Jan Sedlacek gained experience as a start-up founder, web designer, manager, marketing expert and strategy consultant. He was part of the management team of a travel start-up and transformed a Swiss private bank into the first hybrid bank.

Julian is an Associate Partner at Corporate Venture Builder Stryber. He is a passionate entrepreneur and former strategy consultant. Julian started his career at strategy consulting firm Bain & Company, where he advised clients from the financial services, private equity and other industries. After his time with Bain & Company, Julian founded a hospitality tech startup in 2016, which he grew to over 100 employees across 3 countries.
He joined Stryber in June 2020 to lead its expansion into the UK market after Stryber had successfully established itself as the largest independent corporate venture builder in DACH.

Innovators Insights

7 December, 16:00 CET/10am ET/7am PT

DNB, The Dancing Dinosaur. How Scandianvia's Largest Bank Became the Most Innovative Company in the Region

Yngvar Ugland & Dan Toma
Executive Vice President, DNB NewTechLab | Co-Author of The Corporate Startup, Co-founder at Outcome

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DNB is the largest Scandivaina Financial Services Group and one of the world’s most profitable banks. With talk of an impending disruption of the banking sector by tech giants and fintech startups, in 2017, DNB’s CEO set the company’s vision for the foreseeable future: become a software company with a banking license. Three years later, in 2020, the bank was awarded the prize of The Most Innovative Norwegian Company – but the journey is not over yet. This is the story of a company wide transformation from the people that are contributing to shift.

Innovators Insights

7 December, 17:00 CET/11am ET/8am PT

How to Help Brilliant Ideas Move Forward

Ed Essey & Maj Ryan "Merlin" Middleton
Director of Intrapreneurship and Incubation - Microsoft Garage | Sr Experimentation Lead, Air Force Research Lab

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Learn the methods that the Microsoft Garage uses to help people who think they have brilliant ideas quickly and cheaply test how brilliant they are, and then, if so, right-size them to move forward. This session will cover coaching methods that they use with teams from business model validation, getting sponsorship support, experimentation release, and training intrapreneurship.

Ed Essey helps intrapreneurs incubate new businesses in the Microsoft Garage. An MIT grad, serial founder, and veteran product guy, he’s passionate about technology, creating great cultures, and innovating through experimentation.

During his engineering career, he’s researched AI, developed intelligent agent-based systems, and democratized parallel computing. He has led company-wide change management programs in innovation, design-thinking, and agile methodologies that have helped over 25,000 employees earn raving fans for their products. He founded the Garage experimental outlet that has delivered over 130 new and exciting projects to market.

Trending Topic Talk

7 December, 18:00 CET/12pm ET/9am PT

The Lean Scaleup - How to Generate Business Impact From Innovation

Frank Mattes
Founder and CEO at innovation-3 and author of Scaling-Up Corporate Startups

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Corporate innovators are facing many obstacles when they want to scale up innovation concepts. There is a big, wide chasm between the innovation concept and the business impact, Actually, as statistics show, 85-90% of corporate startups die after the MVP stage.

Where does this “corporate Scaling-Up problem” come from and how can it be solved? These questions brought together a group of more than 20 leading companies. Together with Frank Mattes, they co-created a framework, the Lean Scaleup™.

Now, the Lean Scaleup is ready to be shared with the public. A first book will be published early next year. In this session, Frank will give you an early insight. He introduces the framework and illustrate how corporate innovation centers, corporate startups and corporate ventures could benefit from it.

Frank Mattes founded and runs innovation-3.
This is a specialized consulting company focused on Horizon 2 / Horizon 3 innovation.

Frank and his team help European and global leaders to create business impact from non-incremental innovation. His clients are Corporate Innovation / Venture Capital units, corporate startups and corporate ventures.

In the last years, Frank and innovation-3 have been focused on scaling up validated innovation concepts. Together with more than 20 companies, he developed the Lean Scaleup™ framework that allows his clients to tackle the Scaling-Up challenge with a clear and actionable plan.

Before innovation-3, Frank was with the Boston Consulting Group and Member of the Board of a B2B scaleup. Frank holds two M.Sc. in Applied Mathematics from the University of Southern California, Los Angeles and Ulm University (Germany)

Innovators Insights

7 December, 19:00 CET/1pm ET/10am PT

Top Ten Lessons Learned Standing Up An Incubator Within a Corporation

Nicole Walker
Sr. Director, Innovation Incubator at Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Illinois, Montana, New Mexico, Oklahoma & Texas

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Join Nicole as she shares her top lessons learned while developing, launching, and evolving the employee-facing Incubator at Health Care Service Corporation. The largest non-investor owned health insurer in the US.

Nicole Walker is the senior director of the innovation incubator at Health Care Service Corporation (HCSC). In this role, Nicole leads a team in exploring new ideas that reimagine the health care experience for HCSC stakeholders through the innovation incubator and accelerator platforms. Prior to this role, Nicole has held leadership roles in the sales operations, marketing and strategy, bringing her keen business perspective, strategic thinking and focus on delivering value. Nicole also is an Adjunct Faculty member of the InterProfessional Program at the Illinois Institue of Technology where she teaches practical applications of human-centered design to undergraduate students via a project-based learning course.

Nicole received her bachelor’s degree in industrial and operations engineering and master’s degree in health services administration from the University of Michigan. She lives in Chicago, with her husband and two children.

Tuesday 8 December

Trending Topic Talk

8 December, 18:00 SGT/11:00 CET

Innovation in a Virtual Environment

David Hengartner
CEO and Co-Founder at GETKICKBOX

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GETKICKBOX is an employee-driven and scalable program to build up and automate intrapreneurship programs of corporates with a proven methodology.

In this trending topic talk, CEO & Co-Founder of GETKICKBOX David Hengartner will provide insights on how internal innovation in a remote setting can still work and even gain in importance. He shows how GETKICKBOX not only leads to new products/services/business models but also to cultural transformation and employee engagement.

Trending Topic Talk

8 December, 19:00 SGT/12:00 CET

Never Waste a Crisis: Why 2021 Will Be the Most Important Year For Innovation in Your Working Life

Richard Poole, Meredith Smith & Gemma Stafford
Managing Partner | Managing Innovation Consultant | Product and Service Innovation Lead at FLUXX

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History has shown that some of the most impactful innovation has grown from times of crisis – from Apple to Airbnb and even Zoom. The Pandemic has upended everything we know about consumers’ priorities, ways of working, social inclusion and even looming systemic shifts around climate change and the 100-year life.

This upheaval shows that NOW is the most ideal time to innovate in a generation. Join us for this session where we will share real-world examples and practical tools for tackling the future’s big problems, collaborating remotely, aligning on purpose and delivering new types of value for a post-pandemic reality.

Trending Topic Talk

8 December, 20:00 SGT/13:00 CET/7am ET

From Conceived to MVP in 90 days: Hard Talk About the Soft Side of Incubation

Morten Benn
Partner at Nosco

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In this session, Morten Benn will share learnings from the trenches, taking you through the concept of early-stage idea maturation in 90 days. We’ll discuss the methods used as well as some of the hard topics: recommending to ‘kill’ the idea/project; the resource allocation puzzle; reliability of evidence and using deep-dives as an action learning tool.

Key takeaways
– How to run incubation projects in a virtual set-up
– How to bridge the gap from innovation challenge output to incubation
– Tools and methods to mature an idea in 6 to 12 sprints

Morten Benn has +25 years experience as an entrepreneur and management consultant. Being a leading partner in building a management consultancy firm, form 26 to 650 consultants and on the board of several start and scale-ups. Morten is now, for the last 3 years, partner at Nosco and leading Nosco’s consultancy practices, helping large organisations building their digital infrastructure for innovation to connect, ideate and incubate.

Trending Topic Talk

8 December, 21:00 SGT/14:00 CET/8am ET

Corporate Venture Building for Healthcare and Sustainability

Sven Jungmann
Partner at FoundersLane

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In this session, we explore corporate venture building as a systematic process for building new businesses with business models that are substantially different from those of the parent organization.

Corporate Venture Building is a hybrid approach that employs entrepreneurial methods to maximize the leverage available via the incumbent’s existing assets – industry expertise, plant, data, reputation and so on – and create a portfolio of aligned but independent businesses.

FoundersLane considers this approach to be uniquely suited to tackle complex, science-based, and regulated markets, like healthcare, where Start-Ups frequently struggle to jump entry barriers.

Join to explore best practices from FoundersLane’s Chief Medical Officer.

Dr Sven Jungmann joined the German army at the age of 18 and eventually became a paratrooper officer. While this was a genuine manifestation of his desire to bring peace to people living in crisis areas, he came to realize that opportunities to have a lasting impact would be limited, so he switched direction and began to study medicine in various parts of the world. He studied public health at the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine and public policy at Oxford, gaining firsthand insights into the unique mechanics of healthcare systems and, particularly, their shortcomings. After several years working in pulmonary care, oncology and emergency medicine at Helios and Charité, Sven became Chief Medical Officer at a digital corporate venture of Helios, Europe’s largest private hospital provider.

He is now a partner at FoundersLane, where he co-founded the health practice. He also sits on the advisory board of Spring, a major German online prescription platform, advises healthcare start-ups around the world and supports investors in their due diligence for digital health investments.

Trending Topic Talk

8 December, 22:00 SGT/15:00 CET/9am ET

Innovation Metrics: Building Ventures and Managing Portfolios From a Risk Perspective

Rafael Chaves Lopes
Managing Partner at Trimaran

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Corporate innovators should be thinking like venture capitalists. Why? Corporations are built for operational excellence and outcome predictability, with processes purposefully designed to mitigate risk. But innovation IS risk. If you truly want to embrace disruptive growth within that structure, you must understand how to balance risk. And to manage it, you need to measure it.
In this talk, you will better understand about:

– Using innovation progress metrics at both venture and portfolio levels;
– Assessing and comparing different ventures from a risk perspective;
– Allocating resources accordingly;
– Creating a balanced innovation portfolio that minimizes risk while maximizing exposure to high-growth ventures.

Rafael is Managing Partner at Trimaran. Since 2010 he has built and scaled startups in Brazil, France, the US, and the UK. From equity crowdfunding to predictive behavioral analytics for recruiting, he has specialized in bringing early-stage ventures from concept to product-market fit.

Previously, he worked for over 10 years as a trader and hedge fund manager for a Brazilian family office. As he joined the corporate innovation world, the challenges being faced to innovate was something he felt his combined skills had some of the answers to. After a deep dive, he fell in love with the quest and made his life’s purpose to be an enabler of innovation at scale. From that “why” Trimaran was born.

Innovators Insights

8 December, 16:00 CET/10am ET/7am PT

The Secrets of Taking Moonshots

Karen Roter Davis
Director, Early Stage Projects at X, the moonshot factory

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X, Alphabet’s moonshot factory, creates radical technologies designed to solve some of the world’s hardest problems. Now in its 10th year, with graduates including Waymo self-driving cars, Wing delivery drones, and Verily life sciences, X continues to work on some of the world’s biggest problems and refine the innovation process.

Join Karen Roter Davis, who will share some lessons X has learned along the way.

Karen is a visionary technology executive, board member, and change agent driving innovation that energizes and transforms companies, from early-stage start-ups to global leaders. She has mastered the art of disruption, enabling growth and capturing new business while successfully guiding companies of all sizes through periods of change and uncertainty. As Director of Early Stage Projects at X (formerly Google X), she grounds moonshot projects in business objectives, ensuring that technologies of tomorrow make the transition to profitable, purposeful “10x” (versus 10%) ventures today.

Trending Topic Talk

8 December, 17:00 CET/11am ET/8am PT

Ignoring The Future Won’t Make It Go Away: Doing Business in the Era of Macrotrends and The Next Abnormal

Ken Tencer
CEO at Spyder Works

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From a global pandemic to a rapidly changing work environment and economic uncertainty, the changes we’ve seen this year have come to affect us all.

In this session, Ken Tencer will help you better understand the abnormal and discuss how macrotrends —long-term directional shifts— are impacting company operations, culture, marketing and more. By building an awareness of macrotrends, which range from anything like automation and urbanization, to pandemics, artificial intelligence and sweeping social media platforms like TikTok, you can help your organization continue to move forward in the best way possible.

Ken Tencer, ICD.D Ken is recognized internationally as a business and innovation thought leader who helps organizations, investors and business families to bring their ideas to market faster and continuously.

A successful entrepreneur and business developer, Ken helps organizations to their ideas off of the back of a napkin and successfully into the market. He has built international-scale companies spanning manufacturing, product development, distribution and professional services. As CEO of Spyder Works, Ken helps companies with both business and innovation strategy.

Innovators Insights

8 December, 18:00 CET/12pm ET/9am PT

To the Moon and Beyond: Cultivating Innovation from Within

Carissa Callini
Leader, NASA@WORK Program – NASA’s Internal Crowdsourcing Platform

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NASA’s workforce is highly innovative. But just like any other organization, projects get stuck and new ideas can be hard to come by. Innovation takes work and cultivating a community can bring people and ideas together. This session discusses how NASA uses internal crowdsourcing to help break down silos, build community and connect ideas to move faster towards the moon and beyond.

Carissa leads the integration of KBR’s Human Health and Performance Contract innovation strategy. She also trains KBR and NASA employees on innovation ideologies. In addition, she and her team are responsible for implementing initiatives in support of the Human Health and Performance Directorate at the NASA Johnson Space Center and the Center of Excellence for Collaborative Innovation (CoECI).

Carissa is the program champion for NASA@WORK – NASA’s internal crowdsourcing platform. On this platform NASA employees post problems that are turned into competitions to which the NASA community responds with ideas and possible solutions.

Enlightening Exchanges

8 December, 21:00 CET/3pm ET/12pm PT

What Makes Incubation Efforts Successful

Linda Elkins & Puja Samuel
Chief Technical Officer, Gore Innovation Center | Digital Innovation, AreaX at JPMorgan Chase & Co.

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In “What Makes Incubation successful” we will dive into various models for innovation teams. We’ll discuss which structures work best for which objectives and explore key topics such as proximity to the core business, funding and ways of working. We’ll also cover the role of corporate culture in innovation and the differences between entrepreneurs and intrapreneurs.

Innovators Insights

8 December, 22:00 CET/4pm ET/1pm PT

Moon Creative Lab: Lessons Learned in Building a Venture Studio for one of Japan’s Largest Conglomerates

Mike Peng
Chief Creative Officer at Moon Creative Lab

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How might we help Mitsui & Co, one of Japan’s largest companies, move from a pure trading and investment firm to one that creates new and disruptive businesses from 0 to 1?

Mike Peng will talk about the journey of building Moon and how he and his colleagues are defining a new unique model to launch new ventures and transform a company of 45,000+ employees.

Mike is the Chief Creative Officer at Moon. He oversees all design aspects of the organization and its work. Specifically, he ensures that the new ventures created within Moon are elevated by human-centered design and creativity.

Prior to joining Moon, Mike was a Partner at IDEO where he co-founded and ran its Tokyo office since its inception in 2011. He also co-founded D4V (Design for Ventures), Japan’s first-of-its-kind venture capital firm that invests in early-stage Japanese ventures and co-creates human-centered products and services to deliver positive impact to the world. Mike graduated from UC Berkeley with a degree in Neuroscience. He has taught at The University of Tokyo, Keio University, Copenhagen Institute of Interaction Design (CIID), and NYU, among others. In addition to being a competitive tennis player, Mike is also an avid hip hop dancer who finds solace in British baking shows!

Trending Topic Talk

8 December, 5pm ET/2pm PT
9 December, 09:00 AEST

It’s Not About the Money: What Social Neuroscience Teaches Us About Creating a Great Value Proposition for Customers and Employees

Paul Hawkins
Chief Combobulator at Crazy Might Work

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Great businesses begin with a great value prop and this session will share some insights on how to create a value proposition that truly captivates your customers.

Using insights from social neuroscience, we will expand on Alex Osterwalder’s Value Proposition Canvas to explore the real reasons that customers will buy your service.

Paul is the Chief Combobulator at Crazy Might Work, a strategic innovation firm that launched on a Russian icebreaker in Antarctica, in January 2015 with a mission to equip and inspire clients to innovate where it matters most! The firm’s multi-disciplinary methodology for collaborative innovation consistently produces game-changing solutions, characterised by pragmatism, originality and humour.

Paul’s company works with leaders in health, government and across various industries to solve wicked challenges in ways that are, quite literally, ‘DisruptivebyDesign®! The approach incorporates systems and design thinking, appreciative inquiry, anthropology, social neuroscience and even game design! The firm has been twice nominated as a finalist in the MyBusiness Innovator of the Year awards, and a finalist in the NSW Chamber of Commerce, as well as the ‘Talent Makes Future’ awards, hosted in China.

Wednesday 9 December

Innovators Insights

9 December, 18:00 SGT/11:00 CET

The Minimal Innovation System

Mathieu Menet
Head of Innovation @ La Ruche tl

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The best innovation leaders not only know how to develop and launch great innovations on the market but they also put in place a system that makes innovation fast, repeatable, and scalable within their company.

Is it easy? Definitely not. Does a silver bullet exist? Hell no! Every innovation system should be different as every company is different. It requires a perfect mixt of knowledge and hands-on experiences so you could identify what perfectly fits your company culture and innovation maturity.

But we don’t live long enough to make all the mistakes that other innovation leaders made… That’s when the Minimal Innovation System comes in. Relying on his eight-year experience, Mathieu will share a new approach combining different tools and learnings to set-up a successful innovation system in no more than 90 days.

Trending Topic Talk

9 December, 19:00 SGT/12:00 CET

Value Proposition Innovation Using Lego Serious Play: Delivering Results and Having Fun Simultaneously

Paulo Malta
Innovation Management Black Belt™ | Growth, Transformation and Business Model Innovation | Managing Partner at Innovsky

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In this session, Paulo will focus on Business Model Innovation and Value Proposition innovation using the Lego Serious Play (LSP) method both in physical and virtual environments.

The LSP method allows for multiple stockholders’ engagement, enabling each to express their point of view and priorities. It also allows us to build shared models to foster collaboration and commitment.

Do you want to improve collaboration, having fun, and at the same time, deliver results? Come, and see how we play seriously.

Paulo Malta has 25 years of professional experience and is specialized in Innovation Management, Business Model Innovation, and Customer Experience Innovation.

Paulo is Managing Partner of Innovsky, a consulting company focused on Innovation Management and Business Model Innovation, and also an Invited Professor at Nova School of Business and Economics, delivering classes in Innovation and Digital Transformation in the executive education programs.

During most of his career, Paulo worked for technological multinationals, like Cisco and Alcatel, building and leading sales, pre-sales, and consulting teams in several market sectors.

Paulo’s background in Electrical and Computers Engineering is enriched by post-graduate degrees in Management and in Investments & Financial Markets. He is an IMBB Innovation Management Black Belt™ and a certified facilitator in LEGO® SERIOUS PLAY® and Design Sprint methodologies.

Innovators Insights

9 December, 20:30 SGT/13:30 CET/7:30am ET

The Story of InGenius - Nestlé's Global Employee-driven Innovation Accelerator

Nick de Blasio
Product Group Manager Employee Innovation at Nestlé

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About InGenius: InGenius is Nestlé’s Global Employee Innovation Accelerator that has engaged more than 65k employees, generating over 7k ideas and 100k likes and comments in the last 7 years through internal challenges; bringing to life new digitally powered solutions in B2B and B2C as well as new Food Products and Packaging.
Crowdsourcing ideas directly from our wide expert base of employees and then funneling the most promising through a structured and accelerated innovation program generates both Intrapreneurs and Innovation, a powerful combination for sustainable long term growth.

Nick co-founded InGenius with its humble beginnings in Supply Chain IT and it has since evolved to directly support, enable and deliver innovations across corporate functions such as R&D, HR, our business units and in the markets. In this session Nick will go through its early beginnings, what worked well, what didn’t and where he is taking it next. Join him to exchange notes and fruitful discussion.

Trending Topic Talk

9 December, 22:00 SGT/15:00 CET/9am ET

Innovation Management @ Scale: Merging Software & Soft Skills to Drive Impact

Lauren Raouf & Aaron Hoekstra
Principal at Clareo | Head of Client Success at Forest

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One of the greatest challenges that corporate innovators face is how to scale innovation across their organization. To do so requires both a robust innovation management software ecosystem and the development of critical soft skills and behaviors in creativity and collaboration across the organization.

In this interactive conversation, Aaron Hoekstra, Head of Client Success at the innovation management platform Forest and Lauren Raouf, Principal at innovation advisory firm Clareo, will share learnings from implementing software and soft skill changes to drive innovation at several companies, and take your questions around how you can do this in your business.

Lauren Raouf is a Principal at Clareo, where she focuses on how to align organizations, people, and processes to deliver innovation and growth strategy. She has over a decade of consulting and entrepreneurial experience. She started her career at Boston Consulting Group (BCG), working as an associate, consultant, and project leader across a variety of industries out of the firm’s Washington DC and London offices. In 2019, Lauren joined Clareo to work with companies on all aspects of innovation and growth strategy, with a particular emphasis on how to transform a company’s people, processes, organization, and culture to support innovation.

Aaron Hoekstra serves as Head of Client Success at Clareo, helping companies leverage Clareo’s innovation management software suite to deliver real innovation outcomes in their businesses. Aaron brings deep expertise and experience in helping users of products maximize their potential and impact in industries such as sporting goods, consumer packaged goods, digital applications, and non-profit enterprises. He is an entrepreneur that knows the challenges of building new things and can help individuals in large companies navigate the complexities of getting stuff done.

Trending Topic Talk

9 December, 16:00 CET/10am ET/7am PT

Succeed At Innovation By Being Adept At Managing Change

Elyas Munye
Senior Business Designer at MING Labs

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A recent survey of directors, CEOs, and executives found that digital transformation risk is their #1 concern in 2019; yet over 70% of digital transformation efforts fail. Why?

There are variety of factors, but one key takeaway is that digital transformation and innovation are NOT simply about technological change, but also about changing people’s mindset and way of working.

In this session, we will discuss two types of change and share case studies to illustrate how Business Design methods can help business leaders succeed at digital transformation and innovation by being adept at managing change.

Trending Topic Talk

9 December, 17:00 CET/11am ET/8am PT

How to Design a Future-Proof Portfolio of Innovation Initiatives in 6 Steps

Misha de Sterke
Senior Partner Venture Building @ Innoleaps & Author of the 10x Growth Machine

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How do you prepare as an organisation for the future? Is your portfolio of initiatives relevant in different future states of the world? How to get a grip on the future if we do not obtain data about the future?

In this talk Misha will take you through his 6-step approach on how to be resilient as an organisation in 2030.

Trending Topic Talk

9 December, 18:00 CET/12pm ET/9am PT

How to Plan and Run a Successful Online Employee Ideation Challenge

Coby Skonord
Founder and CEO at Ideawake

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As a result of COVID-19, organizations have had to adapt overnight to how their teams collaborate while slightly modifying to completely reinventing how their products and services are delivered.

To adapt to this change more quickly, many companies have turned to digital ideation challenges to engage employees and their ideas to discover new ways to drive growth, increase efficiency, and better meet rapidly changing customer needs.

During this session, we’ll be covering actionable steps you can copy and paste to effectively plan, promote, and run a digital ideation challenge with your employees that will result in a high engagement rate and produce measurable financial impact. Specifically, we’ll be discussing –

– 7 ways companies have been using ideation challenges to address COVID-19
– How to create challenge statements to ensure the ideas being collected tie to organizational goals and strategy
– How to promote and communicate your challenge in a fully remote environment to get 60% – 80% of employees signed up and actively participating
– Best practices and options for incentivizing participation in your challenge
– Common obstacles you’ll encounter planning and running your challenge, and how to address each of them

Coby Skonord is a crowdsourcing expert, public speaker, and partner at Milwaukee-based Ideawake. He is a contrarian thinker who believes that the power of online collaboration is the only way to solve the biggest problems facing the world today and overcome the greatest obstacles facing the businesses of tomorrow.

Trending Topic Talk

9 December, 19:00 CET/1pm ET/10am PT

Prototype Thinking 101

Olivia Wong
Senior Partner at Prototype Thinking Labs

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To keep up with the market, the single most important capability is how quickly we learn.

We’ll show you how to learn 10x faster by thinking with prototypes: creating dozens of experimental iterations in a short amount of time. This session is an introduction to the Prototype Thinking process, a revolutionary method originally developed at X (Google’s moonshot factory).

Olivia Wong is an innovation expert who has taught thousands of organizations how to prototype, test, and iterate at lighting speed.
Her company, Prototype Thinking Labs, trains companies to create new offerings that will viscerally captivate customers with data-driven confidence, at the same time reducing months or years from development. Using a breakthrough method born at Google X, she inspires teams to break past dogma, shortcut debate and dive straight into the heart of innovation: experimentation and rapid learning.

Drawing from case studies from Google X and the top innovation labs in the world, she can show your organization how to solve moonshot problems 10x faster.

Innovators Insights

9 December, 20:00 CET/2pm ET/11am PT

Better than Pre-pandemic...How We Adapted Our Design Thinking Sessions

Krystal Kolodziejak
Director, Innovation at Farm Credit Canada

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Before the pandemic, our design thinking sessions were in-person: discovery, Google Design Sprints and the majority of our prototype and usability testing.

Through the past 6 months, we have adapted to remote sessions with better engagement and results than our previous in-person sessions. We will share how we have adapted during the pandemic and look forward to hearing your journeys as well.

Krystal is the Director, Insights and Innovation at Farm Credit Canada (FCC). Innovation roles have always drawn her in as an intersection of human centered design, business, and technology. Her career includes setting up innovation practices in telecommunications and now financial services.

Her current role is as a leader within Enterprise Strategy to provide FCC the clarity and confidence in the value they deliver to provide exceptional customer and employee experiences with a focus on core innovation. This experience is paired with resilience, storytelling, and challenging tradeoffs.

Thursday 10 December

Trending Topic Talk

10 December, 21:00 SGT/14:00 CET/8am ET

Why Build Ventures From Scratch When The World Provides a Toolkit?!

Andrew Humphries & Tom Salmon
Co-founders at The Bakery

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As the hype around venture building grows, we are seeing many corporations impulsively try to do everything in-house. But why do everything yourself when the entrepreneurial ecosystem can do much of the heavy lifting; reducing your risk and accelerating your time to market?

In this talk, Andrew and Tom will explain how you can successfully leverage the entrepreneurial ecosystem to build ventures at a faster pace and improve your chances of success.

You will learn:

  • Why and when to engage the entrepreneurial ecosystem in the venture building process
  • How to find and select the right talent and technology
  • How this approach can reduce your risk and accelerates innovation

Andrew & Tom are the co-founders of The Bakery. Since 2013 they have been responsible for delivering on the vision of building a unique innovation business, bringing together the world’s biggest corporates with the most talented entrepreneurs and startups from around the world. The Bakery’s past and current clients include AXA, BMW, Centrica, Deloitte, GSK, HSBC, Kier, Lloyds, LV, Sanofi, Mondelez, P&G, RBS, Rolls-Royce, RS Components, UCB Pharma, Vale and J&J.

Andrew has a long and successful history in both the corporate world, with Siemens, and as a serial entrepreneur with multiple exits – most notably with Adeptra, a Fintech Startup, raising $43million and exiting to FICO in 2013 for $135M.

Tom is FCA Approved, an angel investor, and has extensive experience in working with Startups and accelerators – most notably Entrepreneur First, Ignite and The Difference Engine (now part of Techstars in the UK), as well as the founder of Traffic Digital and co-founder of a coding school for women – 23 Code Street.

Trending Topic Talk

10 December, 22:00 SGT/15:00 CET/9am ET

How to Setup Venture Building For Long-Term Success

Manfred Tropper
CEO at mantro

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Venture Building is the newest hot shit in town. After corporate innovation labs, accelerators and incubators the venture builders are here. But as every holy grail before, they’re doomed to fail if you’re not focussing on the right things at the right time. At mantro we founded more than 20 ventures, most of them as joint-ventures with established organizations like AUDI or EnBW.

In this talk Manfred will explain:
* When it actually makes sense to follow the path of venture building
* How a best practice setup looks like to be fast and efficient to give ideas a realistic chance to survive and grow
* How to align motivations of the corporate, the team and potential partners
* What are critical success criteria for setting up venture building in your organization

Manfred is a 36-year old serial entrepreneur by heart. Right after starting his studies of business economics and computer science he founded mantro, which developed from a software consultancy into a unique and financially independent long-term digital company builder and joint venture partner for established organizations.

In his role as CEO he introduces new ventures to mantro‘s portfolio and acts as contact for mantro‘s well-known partners. A core element of mantro‘s approach to create new ventures is that mantro matches the early stage investment of its partners and therefore creates a true eye to eye relationship with shared risk and aligned motivation.

Together with his team at mantro he is currently running 14 successful ventures together with both corporates and SMEs. The proven mantro innovation approach and their unique track record has made mantro a regular visitor to German top-media outlets like Handelsblatt or Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung. Next to his role at mantro the father of three kids mentors various startups and corporate innovation programs whilst investing as business angel together with his two co-founders at mantro.

Learning Lab

10 December, 23:00 SGT/16:00 CET/10am ET/7am PT

Think Wrong to Solve Next

Mike Burn & Greg Galle
Author, Entrepreneur, Instigator, and Co-founder & Re-founder at Solve Next

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Mike and Greg will introduce how to overcome the barriers our brains and cultures put in the way of breakthrough solutions.

The goal of this session is to provide you with language, frameworks, tools, and skills that will help you conquer the status quo and take your clients and organizations from now to next.

Mike Burn is an author, entrepreneur, and co-founder of Solve Next. Recognizing that the way we are solving problems is broken, he built a first-of-a-kind cloud-based problem-solving system that enables individuals and organizations to think wrong about their, their clients, or their clients’ clients’ hardest, most wicked problems—and produce unexpected, seemingly magical results. The Think Wrong Platform is used around the world by mega-corporations to individuals running their non-profits.

Greg Galle has over 30 years of experience thinking wrong about leadership, motivation, coaching, planning, and decision making as well as a broad array of private, public, and civil sector innovation challenges including product, service, process, systems, policy, experience, engagement, talent, professional development, and culture innovation. Greg co-founded Solve Next with Mike in 2012. Together they reach thousands of people per year through client work and invitations to participate in conferences and events around the world.

Mike and Greg co-authored the book Think Wrong: How to Conquer the Status Quo and Do Work That Matters with John Bielenberg and Elizabeth Evitts Dickinson.

Innovators Insights

10 December, 17:00 CET/11am ET/8am PT

The Bosch Accelerator Program: Creating a Validation Engine to Drive Innovation @ Scale

Michael Nichols
Manager Business Model Innovation / Lead Bosch Accelerator Program at Bosch

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Is there a systematic way to test business-model innovation ideas at scale? The Bosch Accelerator Program has developed an evidence-based validation engine to test business-model ideas as quickly and as efficiently as possible with in-market experiments. We must fail enough so that winners have a chance to emerge.

Michael Nichols graduated with an M.A. in Russian Studies from Middlebury College and an M.B.A. from the University of Florida. He joined Bosch in 2014 via the Junior Managers Program and has been working in the field of business model innovation since 2015. After joining Bosch Management Consulting in 2017, Michael is now responsible for the Bosch Accelerator Program. The Accelerator Team is creating a Bosch-wide validation engine for exploratory innovation to bring more innovation ideas beyond the core business to scale.

Enlightening Exchanges

10 December, 18:00 CET/12pm ET/9am PT

A Modernized Approach to Ideation – People, Process and Technology

Jennifer Creech
CEO at Ezassi

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Ideation as we know it is a contemporary approach to problem-solving. So, what do you do when you’re stuck or underwhelmed with your results? Let’s face it; it’s probably not your technology to manage the submissions or the people you have in place to run it.

Join our discussion around the process of innovation. Learn what’s working and how innovation managers from government, academia, and corporate continue to sustain and engage their solvers. Jennifer will be joined by some of today’s leading-edge innovation managers. Check back for details.

Jennifer Creech is the CEO of Ezassi, an innovation solutions company. She oversees the strategic direction of the company and has successfully developed a global marketing strategy. Her expertise includes SaaS and cloud technology solutions, data mining, and driving year-over-year revenue growth.

Innovators Insights

10 December, 19:00 CET/1pm ET/10am PT

Fostering Innovation in a Large Enterprise: IBM's Incubator Success

Steven Astorino
Vice President of Development, Data and AI & Canada Lab Director at IBM

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In its 109-year history, IBM has shown remarkable resiliency to adapt through constant innovation. Join Steven Astorino, Vice President of Development for IBM Data & AI and IBM Canada Lab Director, as he highlights a made-in-Canada incubator program that is now expanding to IBM’s software development labs around the world.

Called Area 631, the incubator gives six employees three months to take one great idea from proposal to working prototype. Steve will showcase some of Area 631’s early success stories and reflect on his experience in cultivating a culture of innovation in a complex global enterprise.

Steven Astorino is the Vice President of Development for IBM Data and AI and leads a global team of several thousand employees. The expansive Data and AI portfolio under his leadership includes IBM Cloud Pak for Data, the Forrester Wave-leading Enterprise Insight Platform. IBM Cloud Pak for Data is a fully-integrated data and AI platform that modernizes how businesses collect, organize, and analyze data, and infuse AI throughout their organizations.

Steve also leads the IBM Canada Lab, the largest software development organization in the country. IBM Canada Lab supports development of core IBM technologies and worldwide strategic missions including Data and AI, Security, Cloud & Cognitive Software, Supply Chain, IT infrastructure, and Internet of Things.

Widely recognized for his expertise in leading large enterprise development teams, Steve is a change agent, constantly driving improvements and efficiency in how technology is used. He combines deep technical knowledge with a business lens to support clients as they work through their next chapter in digital reinvention and transformation journeys. In 2019, he co-authored the book, Artificial Intelligence: Evolution and Revolution.

Trending Topic Talk

10 December, 20:00 CET/2pm ET/11am PT

How to Design an Incubator for Growth: A Venture Building Session

Ed Ross
CEO Chief-of-Staff and VP of New Markets

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Despite superior ideas, assets, talent, brand, channels, competencies, and customers, the Global 1000 is missing out on the startup innovation and valuation boom. To combat this, an internal incubator allows corporations to institutionalize and scale growth efforts.

In this session Mach49’s CEO Chief-of-Staff and VP of New Markets, Ed Ross, will share how Mach49 works with big corporations to operationalize a repeatable, scalable model to create sustainable new ventures.

Friday 11 December

Innovators Insights

11 December, 19:00 SGT/12:00 CET

Venture Building Real Life Example – The Story of Exaas, a Venture Powered By Frech & mantro

Tobias Schneider & Bernd Schmidt
CEO at exaas | Head of Fundraising at mantro

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exaas is a venture, developed by mantro (Company Builder) and the Frech family (Die-casting equipment provider). Frech and mantro started together the journey to develop a digital platform to drastically ease up the access to industrial expertise.

In this session Tobias, CEO of exaas and Bernd Schmidt, Head of Fundraising at mantro showcase venture building from the perspective of the venture team and the shareholders based on a real-life example. They will discuss about what shaped the venture in early in early stages, how the business model pivoted over time and how the shareholders reacted, managed and supported exaas from first discussions to a growing business.

Your Moderators

Adi Mazor Kario
#1 Product Innovation & Value Creation Expert, Founder InvincibleInnovation.comAuthor of “Innovating Through Chaos: The proven formula for launching unbeatable products during uncertain times”

Hannah Keartland
Hannah helps organisations deliver innovation that has an impact, drawing on her director-level experience in both innovation and finance & operations, as well as 20 years of practical experience working on innovation, project delivery and management roles across all business areas.

Lysander Weiss
As partner at the award-winning management consultancy Venture Idea, doctoral candidate at the leading German business school HHL, bestselling author, lecturer and keynote speaker, Lysander Weiss offers forward-thinking research and advisory for strategic renewal in established companies.

Maarten Korz
Maarten Korz is a senior corporate innovator and ecosystem developer with 22 years of experience in designing and implementing digital and innovative solutions and processes. He has co founded the Digital Ecosystems Institute this year.

Rachel Gordon
Rachel Gordon is an innovation leader and growth strategist with more than 15 years’ experience developing new products, services and business models that improve people’s lives across the consumer goods, pharmaceutical and health and wellbeing sectors.

Robyn Bolton
Robyn Bolton is the Founder & Chief Navigator at MileZero where she works with leaders of mid and large cap companies to use innovation to unlock potential and create real new revenue.

Thomas Knoll
Thomas Knoll is an entrepreneur and the Founder and CEO The Innovators CoLab.

Tobias Gutmann
Prof. Dr. Tobias Gutmann is an Assistant Professor at EBS Business School, Managing Director of the Siemens Product Innovation Lab and expert on corporate venturing.

Peer Circles

Join facilitated and closed-door small-group conversations with peers from other companies and industries, addressing your issues and solving shared challenges.

7 December, 19:00 SGT/12:00 CET/6am ET

Kick Off Circle: Clarity on Objectives

11 December, 16:00 CET/10am ET/7am PT

Wrap Up Circle: Preparing for Implementation

13 January 2021, 19:00 SGT/12:00 CET/6am ET

Check-In Circle: Implementation Progress

14 January 2021, 17:00 CET/11am ET/8am PT

Check-In Circle: Implementation Progress


Of course, we can’t cover everything in the Live Sessions and Peer Circles. For four weeks, you get access to our library of high-quality content: session recordings from past events and conferences, as well as curated content from other sources.

Below you’ll find a sample of what’s included.



Through the platform, for four weeks, you’ll be able to ask questions and join discussions with peers and experts. You can join dedicated networking and matchmaking sessions, to meet exactly whom you’re keen to meet. The conference hallway, brought to live online.

You’ll see whom else is joining here soon.

Thanks to our Expert Partners and Participants for contributing to this event

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Time To Connect.

Join Innov8rs Connect to take a step back, to reflect and refocus, in order to be better positioned to get results.

The options below are for corporate leaders and professionals only.
If you are a consultant/coach, software firm or otherwise service provider to corporate innovators, you need an Expert Pass to join. Get yours via this link.

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including these items for each event you choose to join:

• 25+ interactive live sessions (talks, workshops, AMA’s)
• 5+ facilitated, closed-door peer circles and other opportunities to connect and collaborate with peers
• Host a Challenge Call to get feedback on your key challenge
Access to Content and Community for four weeks. This includes the event’s session recordings, on-topic content from other events and curated content from the web, as well as discussions through the platform
Customized agenda based on goals and needs, and a personal concierge to find your way

1 Event




• You can use your seats for all events from this series. You could attend one event together, or divide and conquer across several events.
• Each seat comes with all items as listed under Individual Pass.
• Plus extra support for your team: a private group on the platform, exclusive sessions and content as well as targeted introductions, all based on your goals and needs.

5 Seats


10 Seats


20 Seats


Are you a member Innov8rs Community with a Basic Pass or Content Pass?

You’ll get 30% off your Individual Pass or Team Pass for Innov8rs Connect. Login here first and then proceed with registration.

Innov8rs Community members with a Premium Pass get free access to all events.