In the fourth event of this Innov8rs Connect series, we’ll look outside of our organizations.
How do you make sure you know what changes are happening in the market, now and in the future, and are able to act upon them quickly? Beyond the initial ups and downs, what is working today in collaboration with startups? And with traditional industry boundaries blurring and value chains being disrupted, how to engage in ecosystems and collaborate to create new value? During this event, we’ll discuss the best and latest on these crucial questions- and more.
Live Sessions
In the event’s main week you can join 20+ interactive group sessions. Talks, Workshops and Ask Me Anything’s, all covering what you need to know and do now.
Trending Topic Talk
22 February, 22:00 SGT/15:00 CET/9am ET

How to Design an Ecosystem That Improves the Performance of Your Organization
Alessandro Di Fiore
Founder and CEO of the European Centre for Strategic Innovation (ECSI) and ECSI Consulting
Ecosystems are the flavour of the month. But, amid the hype and hyperbole, there is often a dearth of real-life organizational experience and wisdom.
In the end, all that matters to executives is whether ecosystems could benefit their organization and, if so, how best they can make those benefits a reality.
There is an urgent need to cut through the theories and examine what actually makes ecosystems work, and why some work better than others.
In their consulting work, Alessandro Di Fiore and his team at ECSI Consulting have witnessed a gulf between theory and practice.
Executives understand the opportunities that ecosystems offer, yet they need guidance on the *how*. The start of this process must be a realization about what an ecosystem actually is – and isn’t.
In this session, Alessandro will share how to design an ecosystem that improves the performance of your organization.
Alessandro Di Fiore is the founder and CEO of the European Centre for Strategic Innovation (ECSI) and ECSI Consulting. He is a recurrent contributor to Harvard Business Review on strategic innovation and organizational agility.
Enlightening Exchange
22 February, 16:00 CET/10am ET/7am PT

An Open Discussion About Missing the Real Value of Innovation Ecosystems
Markus Ortmann and Bernd Schmidt
Founder at mantro | Head of Fundraising at mantro
We believe:
… that creating innovation ecosystems should never be the goal.
… ecosystems claim to solve a pain for multiple parties, which is often just not true.
… that the focus should lie on solving real pains with good solutions, and that partners can help with that.
… that ecosystems can be a great result – if they solve pains/generate value for everybody involved
Markus and Bernd from mantro will lead an open discussion about innovation ecosystems and their perceived value versus real value.
Trending Topic Talk
22 February, 17:00 CET/11am ET/8am PT

The Bavarian Automotive Industry in 2030 - Insights From A Realistic, Software-based Scenario Analysis
Tassilo Henike
Senior Innovation Consultant at ITONICS
What is a realistic scenario approach? In this talk, we will share our answer based on a scenario analysis that has been conducted by Bayern Innovativ and ITONICS about the future of the Bavarian Automotive Industry.
The approach is based on multi-factor expert evaluations of 100+ drivers. The evaluations unravelled 24 key drivers that could be useduniquely to calculate more realistic pictures of the future. Thus, also recommendations for the industry players to the 4 scenarios (plurality dilemma, incremental change, software dominance, and comfort zone) are based on more evidence.
Tassilo Henike is a Senior Innovation Consultant at ITONICS, a leading provider of innovation software and consulting solutions. He holds a Doctoral Degree in Innovation Management and a M.Sc. in Industrial Engineering. Between 2015 and 2019, he taught at the University of Potsdam and the TU Berlin in the areas of innovation, technology management and entrepreneurship.
His expertise lies in the areas of business model innovation, strategic foresight and innovation methods such as lean start-ups, portfolios and roadmaps.
He is the author of numerous publications with a focus on strategic foresight, systematic innovation management and business model innovation. His work has been published in leading international journals, such as Long Range Planning, the Journal of Business Models, and The Routledge Companion to Innovation Management.
Trending Topic Talk
22 February, 18:00 CET/12pm ET/9am PT

Why Do Most Business Ecosystems Fail?
Ulrich Pidun
Partner at Boston Consulting Group
It is widely acknowledged that business ecosystems offer great potential. However, there is a hidden and inconvenient truth: most business ecosystems fail. Research by the BCG Henderson Institute found that fewer than 15% were sustainable in the long run.
Based on an analysis of more than 100 failed ecosystem, this session will address the most prevalent reasons for ecosystem failure, identify early-warning indicators and explain how to improve the design and governance of an ecosystem in order to increase the odds of success.
Ulrich Pidun is a partner and director in the Frankfurt office of Boston Consulting Group. He is an expert for corporate development and European topic leader for corporate strategy, with 24 years of experience in this field.
As a fellow at the BCG Henderson Institute, Ulrich investigates business ecosystems with a focus on ecosystem design, governance, and strategies. In addition to his work at BCG, Ulrich Pidun serves as professor for corporate strategy at Technical University of Berlin, Germany.
Enlightening Exchange
22 February, 19:00 CET/1pm ET/10am PT

How We Collaborate With Startups at P&G Ventures
Lauren Thaman
Senior Director of Communications at P&G Ventures
While corporations struggle to create disruptive technological breakthroughs due to business priorities and processes, they have resources and market reach. Startups are able to innovate with agility but lack the market access and customer networks. So is corporate /startup engagement a match made in heaven? What is the role of corporate venture? How are founders benefiting from corporate incubators?
Join this session for a conversation about best practices between entrepreneurs and corporate partners, and the different lifecycles that these partnerships can have. You will learn tactics to build strong processes for success including: a Fortune 100’s motivation for partnering with a burgeoning startup, how to effectively build lean and experienced innovation teams with c-suite buy-in, translating corporate realities to a startup’s fast-paced culture, and knowing when and how to let a project conclude. This conversation will be in the context of P&G Ventures case studies and referenceable products and outcomes.
Trending Topic Talk
23 February, 18:00 SGT/11:00 CET

Trend-Driven Innovation
Nathania Christy
Head of TrendWatching Academy
In this session, learn more about Trend-Driven Innovation – a simple, counterintuitive yet powerful methodology to understand where consumers are heading next and how you can move from trend insights to innovation. Then hear a few key global consumer trends in 2021 and best-in-class innovations from around the world that you can take inspiration from.
Nathania Christy is one of TrendWatching’s key speakers, who has delivered 90+ consumer trend keynotes and innovation workshops in major cities across 4 continents from Stockholm to Singapore to Sydney. An Indonesian based in Singapore, She currently leads the Academy team globally and is responsible for the conceptualisation and delivery of TrendWatching’s workshops and courses for clients across a range of industries.
Innovators Insights
23 February, 19:00 SGT/12:00 CET

Paint the Future: How AkzoNobel Innovates in Ecosystems
Mignon D’Arnaud
Paint the Future Project Lead at AkzoNobel
Launched in 2019, Paint the Future is AkzoNobel’s global collaborative innovation challenge. Initially open to startups, it was quickly expanded to embrace academia, research institutes, and a first group of suppliers, with a view to gradually strengthening the collaboration program. The initiative is focused on establishing an innovation ecosystem to help accelerate, test, launch, and scale ideas and solutions for the paints and coatings industry.
Mignon d’Arnaud is program lead of AkzoNobel’s global collaborative innovation program Paint the Future. Her background in International Business Administration and Marketing led her to be active in the front-end of innovation. She has experience in developing and executing (open) innovation programs for companies such as Nike, KPMG, L’Oréal, Ahold Delhaize, The European Commission and Zalando. Mignon is passionate about scaling ecosystems to create sustainable solutions for the tech industry.
Trending Topic Talk
23 February, 20:00 SGT/13:00 CET/7am ET

Making Lots of Small Bets: Embracing Failure To Achieve Repeatable Innovation Success
Andrew Humphries & Tom Salmon
Co-founders at The Bakery
Innovation with startups often means that in order to succeed you need to fail. No-one knows what will work with certainty. In a corporate world where failure is often unacceptable, taking the right risks and making the right decision is hard. Investors approach this by creating a portfolio and through “making lots of small bets”.
In this session, we’ll discuss the challenges that corporations face in collaboration with startups and approaches they can learn from VC’s and investors in order to manage risk, create an innovation pipeline, embrace failure and achieve success in innovation at volume and speed.
You will learn:
– How to construct and build an innovation pipeline
– How to overcome the obstacles to creating repeatable innovation success
– How to calculate the ratio of success to failure for your innovation pipeline
Andrew & Tom are the co-founders of The Bakery. Since 2013 they have been responsible for delivering on the vision of building a unique innovation business, bringing together the world’s biggest corporates with the most talented entrepreneurs and startups from around the world. The Bakery’s past and current clients include AXA, BMW, Centrica, Deloitte, GSK, HSBC, Kier, Lloyds, LV, Sanofi, Mondelez, P&G, RBS, Rolls-Royce, RS Components, UCB Pharma, Vale and J&J.
Andrew has a long and successful history in both the corporate world, with Siemens, and as a serial entrepreneur with multiple exits – most notably with Adeptra, a Fintech Startup, raising $43million and exiting to FICO in 2013 for $135M.
Tom is FCA Approved, an angel investor, and has extensive experience in working with Startups and accelerators – most notably Entrepreneur First, Ignite and The Difference Engine (now part of Techstars in the UK), as well as the founder of Traffic Digital and co-founder of a coding school for women – 23 Code Street.
Innovators Insights
23 February, 21:00 SGT/14:00 CET/8am ET

The True Nature of Ecosystems. Lessons From the Wildside
Ignacio Villoch
Open Innovation Senior Ecosystem Builder at BBVA
“Ecosystems” is one of those buzzwords in the innovation and entrepreneurship lingo, quite often misunderstood, when not simply overused.
What do we mean when we talk about “Ecosystems”?
Just a gregarious congregation of minds alike sharing projects? A herd of innovators or a school of fishy-investors an ecosystem? Is the company venture builder or start up incubator an ecosystem or… just a zoo?
Exploring the innovation jungle will give us a new perspective into what actually defines the DNA of an ecosystem and the rules that govern them.
Ignacio (Nacho) Villoch is a recognized generator of content on Innovation, Talent and Sustainability driven Digital Transformation to which he has been working professionally for more than a decade. In his more than 25 years of professional experience he has lived and worked in 4 continents from Singapore to Paraguay, through Miami and New York in management positions of business development in the financial industry.
Currently Nacho Villoch manages the creation of Fintech ecosystems, from where he promotes the digital transformation of the financial industry through open innovation, design thinking and AGILE dynamics.
He is also a guest lecturer and professor in programs of innovation, creativity and digital transformation of the main business schools.
Trending Topic Talk
23 February, 22:00 SGT/15:00 CET/9am ET

The Best CEOs Are Chief Ecosystem Officers – How to Approach Ecosystem Strategy
Martin Spindler
Principal at hy - the Axel Springer Consulting Group
Ecosystems are crucial. They can be immense value drivers, but also quickly turn into competitive threats. Their interconnected nature is putting up new challenges for companies.
What then should businesses do about ecosystems? In this session we will work through the basics of ecosystem strategy, how it differs from traditional approaches to strategy, and how companies can best engage in or create their ecosystems. What is your role in those ecosystems, is your business model fit for your ecosystems or does it need adjustment? Who are the partners you should work with?
After this session, you will be equipped to shape ecosystem strategies and drive the ecosystem-conversation at your business.
As Principal at hy, Martin Spindler supports clients in strategic questions of digitalization. He has extensive start-up experience, most recently as Founder of a strategy consulting network focused on how the Internet of Things impacts business models, product architectures, and business strategy. Martin understands how to identify scope for change and structural market changes. He studied Political Science, Economics, and Islamic Studies at the University of Heidelberg.
Innovators Insights
23 February, 16:00 CET/10am ET/7am PT

Accelerating Innovation Through True Partnerships Between Corporates and Startups
Björn Axling
Vice President Accelerated Innovation & Venturing at Husqvarna Group
Nearly all big corporations glance with envy at the speed, agility and rebelliousness of startups where possibilities are endless and ambitions to change the world feel like a very real opportunity. Meanwhile, startups look at corporate giants and wish they had their global footprint, financial strength, brand credibility and long-standing customer relationships. So how can we bring out the best of both worlds and avoid it becoming an exercise of mixing oil with water?
Björn will talk about Husqvarna Group’s approach, finding complementary capabilities and having key people who can bridge across the two cultures to drive truly differentiating innovation.
Björn Axling leads Husqvarna Group’s forward-leaning innovation activities aiming to build new business opportunities outside its current core business. Exploring adjacent or new industry verticals, new business models, new types of partnerships and working in a highly accelerated and agile mode.
Björn leads Husqvarna Group’s efforts in engaging with startups and in the leading innovation clusters around the world and is a convinced advocate of open innovation and cross-fertilizing capabilities and ideas to bring out the best from the involved partners.
He has a background from co-founding a nano-tech startup in the semiconducting industry, working as a management consultant specialized in innovation management and business development as well as leading innovation teams in senior industry positions. He has a double MSc from Chalmers University of Technology and, as a passionate believer in life-long learning, has continued to study at leading institutions like Stanford, Berkeley, London Business School and MIT.
Trending Topic Talk
23 February, 17:00 CET/11am ET/8am PT

How to Grow (More) Returns From Startup Collaboration?
Sander van der Blonk
Managing Partner at Scoutely
Companies now and then run a hackathon or a so-called challenge. All good intentions aside, it’s often lip service. So, after a couple of times, company leaders start asking for business impact. How to get from window shopping and one-off pilots to return on collaboration?
The crux is Startup Opportunity Management.
– Get organized for the fuzzy front-end of startup collaboration.
– Learn how to get stakeholder support?
– How to do engagement planning?
In this session, you’ll learn how to grow (more) returns from startup collaboration.
Sander heads Scoutely; A Startup Opportunity & Relationship Management platform.
He has two decades of experience as a technology entrepreneur, having started his career in marketing and innovation in the biotech and software industries.
He is also an angel investor, plug-in digital innovation, and co-innovation specialist.
Innovators Insights
23 February, 18:00 CET/12pm ET/9am PT

The Quest for the Next Billion-Dollar Opportunity – Scaling Successful Collaborations
Eilat Cohen Basat
Former Managing Director, Global Digital Innovation at Kimberly-Clark Corporation
The collaboration between corporates and startups plays a crucial role in the corporate’s quest to find its next grand business opportunity. One of the biggest challenges that corporates are facing beyond finding the right partners, is scaling with them to achieve sustainable, systemic growth.
So how do we move from successful pilots to real world business? This session will review some of the challenges we face when trying to scale and discuss strategies and practices to increase the success rate of meaningful business collaborations.
Eilat has a track record of building successful collaboration between start-ups and corporates, engaging with entrepreneurs, accelerators and investors in multiple innovation hubs, and nurturing meaningful ecosystem relationships to accelerate growth.
With customer obsession and digital-first mindset, she has established and headed Kimberly Clark Corporation’s Global Digital Innovation Lab, leading new ventures and disruptive consumer-centric innovations for the company.
Prior to Kimberly Clark, Eilat built and led a global Open Innovation framework for the Telecom Industry where she took an instrumental part in shaping digital and innovation strategies for large corporates such as AT&T & Singtel Group including establishing innovation centers and new business lines to drive profitable growth.
Enlightening Exchange
23 February, 19:30 CET/1:30pm ET/10:30am PT

Stone Soup Innovation - A Conversation About Involving The Core Business In Your Innovation Efforts
John Suh
Vice President & Founding Director of New Horizons Studio at Hyundai Motor Group
Unless there’s a clear existential threat, it’s often hard for us innovation teams to involve the core business in our innovation efforts.
To address this, John Suh (Vice President & Founding Director of New Horizons Studio at Hyundai Motor Group) is trying the stone soup approach to innovation. He doesn’t try or ask the core to come along. Instead he appeals to their strengths by asking if they’d be willing to spare some of their strengths whether it be a carrot, a turnip, potato, cabbage, really just any skill. It almost doesn’t matter. And it doesn’t matter if you have all the ingredients you need. Because the point is get participation and willingness.
There are two things that he thinks make this work. First is a kind of “ridiculous” premise. The stone soup story has as it’s ridiculous premise soup whose main ingredient is stone. The second needed thing is good administration, which brings it all together. One of the cons of stone soup innovation is that you get, well, stone soup, and not steak, chicken, or fish. But hey, if plant-based protein is good/better for your health, then maybe stone soup can be just as good/better for corporate innovation.
Join this Enlightening Exchange to hear from and talk with John about this approach and how you could start cooking this recipe to better align with your core business stakeholders.
John Suh is vice president and founding director of New Horizons Studio, which is focused on the development of Ultimate Mobility Vehicles (UMVs), including the concept vehicle Hyundai Elevate. New Horizons Studio is expected to push the extreme limits of vehicle development, building vehicles to traverse off-road terrains with unprecedented mobility, through a combination of robotics and wheeled locomotion technology.
John has held several leadership roles at Hyundai Motor Group since 2011. He served as founding director of Hyundai Ventures, and then led Hyundai CRADLE (Center for Robotic-Augmented Design in Living Experiences) as its founding director based in Silicon Valley. He brings over 35 years of expertise in the automotive and emerging technology sectors, including roles at Stanford University, Palo Alto Research Center (PARC; formerly, Xerox PARC), and General Motors Company.
John has a BS degree in electrical engineering from Kettering University and an MS and PhD degrees in mechanical engineering from Stanford University. John has numerous technical publications and has six patents and patents pending in the fields of robotics, artificial nose technology, and location based services.
Innovators Insights
23 February, 20:00 CET/2pm ET/11am PT

Collaborating With Startups - How We Bridge The Scale Gap
Tammy Butterworth
Chief Foresighter & Global Breakthrough Innovation Lead at Pepsico
In PepsiCo we are driven to create more smiles with every sip and every bite- to help us achieve this vision, we’ve defined a new set of aspirations: to become Faster, Stronger and Better.
In this space, we are partnering with startups, to bring their agility and entrepreneurial mindset into our business- whilst at the same time we support their advancement through training and mentorship in the spaces where we can add value. In this session more will be shared about how we go about this within such a large organization, what has worked well, and what learnings have been gained. We have found a way to bring benefit to PepsiCo and the startups- and bridge the scale gap.
Tammy is a leading front end innovation ninja, with a huge sprinkling of futurist added for good measure. She spent over a decade delivering innovation expertise in the UK for large multinationals like Mars and PepsiCo as well as smaller localised companies like Britvic and Twinings. She has balanced a career across R&D and product development, alongside time in marketing and strategy.
More recently you will find her in the USA- Chicagoland more specifically- leading Early Stage Innovation and Foresighting for PepsiCo beverages. Driven by the knowledge that our food system needs to change to be fit for the future we are hurtling towards – she wants to create a positive legacy for the future- something that really delights consumers and makes the world a better place.
Trending Topic Talk
24 February, 17:00 SGT/10:00 CET

Building a Zero Gravity Innovation Ecosystem
Paul Hawkins
Chief Combobulator at Crazy Might Work
Innovators Insights
24 February, 18:00 SGT/11:00 CET

WIWU (We Innovate With U) - Open Innovation at Covestro in China
Michael Schmidt
Innovation Head Asia Pacific at Covestro
China today is setting the pace for technologies and solutions which are driving the next wave of industrial and informational revolution.
Industries should open up to allow new agile Start-Ups, new emerging market entrants together with international players from all kinds disciplines to form highly adaptable and smart ecosystem webs to ensure Innovation leadership and speed to market.
The current industry landscape in China gives us a great insight into maturing multi-industry ecosystems. These ecosystems in China have evolved through Open Innovation and Open Venturing principles that blur the lines of the traditional industry sectors. This development is mainly due to innovative Chinese companies being willing to look across industry borders, invest boldly and not being afraid to disrupt themselves.
Learning from the Chinese giants Covestro has reshaped its Innovation approach and developed a tailor-made Open Innovation concept for China.
Under the brand WIWU (We Innovate With U) Covestro is looking for partnerships to accelerate Innovation. The holistic Open Innovation concept supports experts and partners with an infrastructure to work on five important pillars, as Michael will share in this talk.
Trending Topic Talk
24 February, 19:00 SGT/12:00 CET

Gorillas Can Dance: How Corporations Can Partner Effectively With Startups
Shameen Prashantham
Professor of International Business & Strategy at China Europe International Business School (CEIBS)
Faced with disruption, multinational corporations are realizing the value of partnering with start-ups. However, while this could result in win-win collaborations, developing productive partnerships is not straightforward.
The very thing that attracts them to each other – their significant differences – also makes it difficult to work together. Therefore, the partnering process must address multiple asymmetries by focusing on the three facets of synergy, interface, and exemplar.
In this talk, drawing upon over a decade of research in multiple locations – including China, Germany, India, Israel, UK and USA – Professor Shameen Prashantham provides guidance on the “why”, “how” and “where” of corporation-start-up partnering.
Dr Shameen Prashantham is Associate Dean (MBA) and Professor of International Business & Strategy at China Europe International Business School (CEIBS). Prior to CEIBS, he was a faculty member at the University of Glasgow and the University of Nottingham’s China campus. His research focuses on how new ventures and large multinationals interface with each other, a phenomenon he refers to as “dancing with gorillas”.
He has conducted research in a wide range of settings including China, Germany, Ghana, India, Israel, Kenya, South Africa, UK and USA. He has published numerous journal articles and two books (published by Routledge, London) covering the areas of international business, entrepreneurship and strategy.
He was a winner of the 2019 CEIBS Research Excellence Award. Dr Prashantham holds a PhD from Strathclyde University in Scotland, UK where he was also a post-doctoral research fellow.
Innovators Insights
24 February, 21:00 SGT/14:00 CET/8am ET

Axel Springer's Ecosystem Strategy To Become The Leading Digital Publisher In Europe
Sebastian Voigt
Senior Vice President at hy - the Axel Springer Consulting Group
For roundabout 20 years, the media business has constantly being disrupted by digital-native attackers. Berlin-based publisher Axel Springer managed a very successful digital transformation through a very strategic ecosystem and investment strategy. Today, the company generates more than 87 percent of its EBITDA with pure-play digital business models from companies such as StepStone, Business Insider, idealo and others.
In his talk, Sebastian will present the key success factors of Axel Springer’s ecosystem strategy.
Dr. Sebastian Voigt is Senior Vice President at hy and Managing Director of hy’s tech and software unit hy Technologies, which is developing the Ecosystem Manager. He studied Business Administration and Computer Science and completed his PhD at the TU Darmstadt on monetization strategies for digital marketplaces.
Sebastian has been developing profitable digital business models for more than 15 years. He worked as Director for Simon-Kucher & Partners, an international consultancy, and led the strategic project teams as well as the pricing unit at Axel Springer. He also held operative leadership positions at Bertelsmann and ProSiebenSat1.
Trending Topic Talk
24 February, 22:00 SGT/15:00 CET/9am ET

Using Foresight to See Beyond the Prediction Horizon
Larry Schmitt and Steve Schwartz
Managing Partners at The Inovo Group
Companies are developing new growth systems that focus beyond a prediction horizon – the time in the future beyond which analytic predictive approaches are not effective. Prior to this horizon, forecasting works. Beyond this horizon, they don’t and a different path is needed.
Foresight is one competency that lets a company ‘see’ beyond the prediction horizon. It helps a company be the disruptor rather than be disrupted.
This presentation will cover the principles and practices of foresight and show, through examples and case studies, how they are used in a new enterprise growth system to power both profit and purpose.
Larry is a Founder and Managing Partner of The Inovo Group, a provider of strategic innovation consulting services. Since co-founding Inovo in 2001, Larry has led their growth to become a successful, recognized leader in the field of innovation.
Larry draws upon years of experience in both large corporations and startups that wrestled with how to innovate. He has worked closely with Inovo’s clients including Cargill, Dow Chemical, Honeywell, Corning, United Health Group, ExxonMobil and Saint-Gobain, among many others, all of whom draw upon the frameworks, methods, and tools he and others at Inovo have developed over the years to improve strategic innovation portfolios and capabilities.
Steve Schwartz is one of the founding partners of The Inovo Group, a strategic innovation consulting firm. Steve is an engineer by training but an entrepreneur by nature.
He has spent 30 years in various technology and commercialization roles and is passionate about how large organizations pursue transformational growth in a systematic way.
Trending Topic Talk
24 February, 16:00 CET/10am ET/7am PT

AI in Foresight and Innovation: 4 Steps to Stress Test Your Innovation Pipeline
Christian Muehlroth
Chief Commercial Officer at ITONICS
Global innovation leaders invest heavily in foresight and innovation management in times of great uncertainty. But where to play, and where to place your bets?
Learn in this session how artificial intelligence techniques can help spot new opportunities for innovation and growth, as well as how it can help to stress test your innovation pipeline and innovation portfolio.
Since 2011, Christian supports global innovation leaders to identify early opportunities for sustainable growth and profitable investments.
By building one common digital platform for all foresight and innovation activities, friction and complexity are reduced, and collaboration as well as the likelihood for success are increased. In addition, applied artificial intelligence can help to gain additional efficiencies in foresight and innovation management in order to stay ahead of the competition.
Successful platform implementations include companies such as Audi, Bayer, Cisco, DZ Bank, Fletcher Building, Hyundai, INTEL, Johnson & Johnson, MTU, NIO, Porsche, SAP, Skoda, Siemens Healthineers, Toyota and VW, to name a few.
In addition to his PhD in statistics and artificial intelligence, he has published several scientific articles on the added value of artificial intelligence in foresight and innovation processes. Moreover, Chris is regularly on stage as a keynote speaker and member of the German Federal Association for Artificial Intelligence.
Trending Topic Talk
24 February, 17:00 CET/11am ET/8am PT

The Corporate-Startup Playbook: Innovate With Startups the Right Way
Nate Nasralla
Head of Global Partnerships at GAN
What if you could launch highly-successful, predictable startup engagements, time and time again?
As a corporate innovator, you have a hard and often ambiguous job description. Creating “newness” and change in a large organization is not easy, and corporate-startup collaboration is one of the best ways to increase your innovation pace and impact.
This session will give you the step-by-step field guide for how corporate teams are successfully innovating alongside external startups. It’ll be all case studies and tactics — no fluff — and we can’t wait to see you there. You in?
Trending Topic Talk
24 February, 18:00 CET/12pm ET/9am PT

The Digital Transformation of Innovation and Rise of Collaborative Networks
Peter Gardner
Founder and CEO at Startgrid
Innovation plays a critical role in reshaping society as we re-engineer how we work, learn and live. To move past 2020’s arduous challenges and thrive (not just adapt) in this new reality will require corporate innovation professionals and entrepreneurs to leverage new tools, new ways of working, and most importantly, an entirely different mindset.
Startgrid CEO Peter Gardner will lead a panel including Fred Schonenberg from VentureFuel and Cliff Justice from KPMG to discuss the acceleration of digital transformation during Covid-19 how this is creating widespread changes in the innovation function, including:
– The evolving role of corporate innovation in a digital world
– Scaling collaborative networks between enterprises and startup ecosystem partners
– How digitizing innovation is enabling access to strategic data
Peter Gardner has been involved in innovation for over 20 years, initially as a venture capital investor helping early stage entrepreneurs build market-leading businesses. More recently Peter founded Startgrid, a company connecting global startup ecosystems to accelerate and proliferate innovation. Startgrid’s software platform is used by some of the world’s largest enterprises to discover leading- edge technology in startup ecosystems and deliver it their internal product, R&D and strategy teams.
In addition to his work at Startgrid, Peter serves as an Executive Fellow at the Miller Center for Social Entrepreneurship at Santa Clara University. He has a BS
from Tufts University and an MBA from UCLA.
Trending Topic Talk
24 February, 19:00 CET/1pm ET/10am PT

Lessons Learned - Avoiding Pitfalls in Strategic Partnering & Open Innovation
Kevin Ye
Partner, Corporate Investing at Mach49
The ability to provide strategic value is what differentiates corporate innovators from other players in the ecosystem. But being able to execute rapidly and effectively on those partnerships can be challenging, especially for emerging teams.
Learn how to advance your partnership and open innovation goals with startups the right way by discussing what NOT to do (and hear about solutions and best practices for common innovation hurdles).
Kevin helps global enterprises more effectively engage the rapidly changing ecosystem within venture. As a Partner in Mach49’s DOI practice, he acts as a trusted advisor for corporates looking to improve their external venturing activities (scouting, partnering, investing, acquiring), guiding them each step of the way to more optimal outcomes.
His work and experience span the entire venturing lifecycle, all the way from the design and standup of new venture processes and structures to deal scouting, negotiation, and closing. He currently acts as a senior advisor for multiple CVC and strategic partnering arms, including Goodyear Ventures, TDK Ventures, Hypertherm Ventures, Btomorrow Ventures, etc.
In previous roles, he established himself as the lead venture advisor for a number of enterprises, including the Arizona Commerce Authority, Barrick Gold, DeNA, Southwest Airlines, and UPS Ventures. Kevin holds a degree in Bioengineering from the School of Engineering and Applied Sciences at the University of Pennsylvania, and a degree in Corporate Finance from The Wharton School.
Innovators Insights
24 February, 20:00 CET/2pm ET/11am PT

Innovation Ecosystem & Enterprise
Anna Jarman
Innovation & Emerging Technology Lead at Walmart
A discussion of how large (Fortune 10) companies engage with the innovation ecosystem and encourage their own innovation within. Commentary on common issues, risks and mitigations, and potential best practices for how large companies can make meaningful, lasting partnerships with early stage companies.
Innovators Insights
25 February, 18:00 SGT/11:00 CET

Digital Healthcare And Pharma: What Are The Real Opportunities For Startups?
Lluc Diaz
Open Innovation Lead at Novo Nordisk
After the events of the last 12 months we have seen a huge increase in the interest for digitalization of healthcare. Pharma companies are investing in digitalization and exploring the best ways to integrate technology and digital products to adapt to the coming changes of the sector. What is the role that pharma companies can play in the complex challenges? What are the areas that we at Novo Nordisk see with more potential? Is there room for digital startup collaboration ad what shape does it take?
We will be presenting the ways we are exploring startup collaboration in the topics we consider more interesting and what are the challenges and opportunities in this digital healthcare wave.
Lluc is currently working at the Business Innovation Garage of Novo Nordisk leading the Open Innovation activities in digital healthcare. Before joining Novo Nordisk Lluc was managing the startup incubation activities in several countries at the European Space Agency (ESA) and was leading the partnerships with investors and corporates.
He started his career in the private sector working as Project Manager at Abertis Telecom (Spain). After this experience in the telecommunications sector, Lluc worked as Corporate Director in the consultancy firm Knowledge Innovation Market in Barcelona. Lluc holds a Master of Telecommunications by the Universitat Politecnica de Catalunya.
Innovators Insights
25 February, 19:00 SGT/12:00 CET

From Knowledge to Innovation: How to Manage a Sustainable Innovation Strategy in the Sports Sector - The Barça Innovation Hub Case
Albert Mundet
Barça Innovation Hub Director/Strategy & Innovation at FC Barcelona
Barça Innovation Hub is a key strategic project that aims to leverage FC Barcelona’s know-how to rethink the future of the sports industry. It promotes activities including research, innovation and education under an open and collaborative culture, working closely with leading brands, universities, research centres, and start-ups from around the world.
Albert Mundet is Barça Innovation Hub Director at FC Barcelona. He is a former physicist, with a multidisciplinary background and extensive experience in Innovation Management across different sectors: Sports, Life Science or Media / Entertainment.
He is a strong advocate for creating value through building innovation platforms across diverse entities. He holds a Masters in Science and Technology Studies for University of Salamanca and an MA Media Management at Parsons The New School (New York). He is also a La Caixa grantee and a Fulbright Fellow.
Innovators Insights
25 February, 20:00 SGT/13:00 CET/7am ET

When to Partner and How to Make it Successful?
Toby Smith-Cullen
Lead of the Global Fintech team at ING
This session will be about how a financial institution, like ING, partners with Fintechs. ING has over 180 Fintech partnerships globally, and sees this as an important part of their innovation journey. The session will focus on how ING approaches these partnerships from understanding the business need/opportunity to signing up a Fintech and together reaching that common goal.
Along the way there will be challenges for the bank but also for the Fintech. The session will provide some insight into these and how one can prepare, anticipate and hopefully overcome them.
Toby leads of the Global Fintech team at ING. The team assists the ING businesses with scouting and advisory with regards to Fintech collaboration. Toby has been with ING since September 2016. Prior to this, Toby worked at a consultancy as a delivery lead and at various banks predominantly in the global equities and fixed income businesses side of the bank. He began his career at Accenture after completing his MSc at Technical University Delft.
Innovators Insights
25 February, 21:00 SGT/14:00 CET/8am ET

Creating a “Win-Win-Win” Situation Through Open Innovation With Startups
Alexa Gorman
SVP, Head of SAP.iO Foundries EMEA at SAP
In this session Alexa will outline how SAP is building an open ecosystem of innovation with startups thereby creating a win-win-win situation for SAP’s customers, startups and SAP. Alexa will share lessons learnt across the 9 SAP.iO innovation hubs around the world and how SAP’s approach to working with startups to drive innovation has evolved over the last few years.
Alexa is Senior Vice President and Head SAP.iO Foundries EMEA, responsible for SAP’s early stage startup acceleration and incubation in that region. In this role, Alexa leads the SAP.iO Foundries in Berlin, Munich, Paris and Tel Aviv. The SAP.iO Foundries are SAP’s global network of top-tier startup programs, including accelerators, that enable startups to build innovative software that delivers value for SAP customers. Alexa has 20+ years of experience in business development and strategy in the tech industry.
Trending Topic Talk
25 February, 22:00 SGT/15:00 CET/9am ET

Why Corporate-Startup Collaboration is Trending and How to Make it Work
Oana Maria Pop
Head of Open Innovation at HYPE Innovation
Innovating with startups and scaleups is just one of the many facets of open innovation. Still, corporate-startup collaboration remains of its most “alluring” modes. The reason is twofold. First, the attributes, know-how and networks of startups can be highly sought after. Second, this type of collaboration promises to be a universal panacea, “curing” ailments such as: wicked problems in the industry, slowing speed of operation, inability to enter new markets and even a culture in need of rejuvenation
In this talk, you will hear about common pitfalls in corporate-startup collaboration and learn how to organize their resources, relationships, and even networks for best results.
Oana is currently Head of Open Innovation at HYPE. She specializes in the science and practice of building durable intra- and inter-firm relationships and collaboration. In her daily work, she combines industry expertise with research insights to help organisations large and small, public and private, formulate and fulfil more ambitious (open) innovation goals. For example: designing supply chain innovation programs, running hackathons, engaging a startup community and even engineering full-fledged innovation ecosystems.
Additionally, she contributes to shaping HYPE’s thought leadership in the Open Innovation space and contributes to new product development.
Trending Topic Talk
25 February, 16:00 CET/10am ET/7am PT

Technology Scouting – How to Uncover Emerging Technology and Find Subject Matter Experts (SMEs)
Eric Haulotte
Head of Technology Scouting at Ezassi
Are you looking for a needle in a haystack trying to discover emerging technologies? Do you need subject matter experts to help you solve your challenges? From university research to startup and small businesses to patent-holding authorities, reach beyond google, and discover technology at each phase of commercial readiness. Join our discussion and learn how to find qualified solvers and potential partners.
Eric Haulotte, Head of Technology Scouting at Ezassi has 15 + years’ experience in the technology arenas. His role requires an in-depth technology due-diligence analysis on potential solutions as well as a robust market assessment to identify areas of opportunity both on a technical and marketability scale. His work spans companies and business units at various stages of growth, and industries, including startup, established, and turnaround settings.
Eric is responsible for actively sourcing new technology partners, startups, universities, research labs, subject matter experts, and manufacturers and assessing their capabilities, making sure they in alignment with current and future technology roadmaps.
Innovators Insights
25 February, 17:00 CET/11am ET/8am PT

How Corporates Benefit From Billions of Dollars in Venture Capital
Sabrina Jones
Strategic Partnerships & Open Innovation at Robert Bosch Venture Capital
Trending Topic Talk
25 February, 18:00 CET/12pm ET/9am PT

The Entrepreneurial Ecosystem Enabling Organization
Simone Cicero
CEO of Boundaryless and Creator of Platform Design Toolkit
In this session, we’ll explore how the continuous technology-driven unbundling of markets and the rising complexity and unpredictability of our socio-economic systems are pushing us to redesign a theory of organizing that works for the XXIst Century. Such a theory, we’ll see, is based on transforming organizations into networks of loosely coupled micro-entrepreneurial units, powered by shared services and scalable contracting technologies. In a few words, the Ecosystemic Organization needs to be able to play the full spectrum of organizational models: from the modular to the vertically integrated, from the platform to the product-focused team.
Simone is an entrepreneur, facilitator, thinker, writer and host, with a focus on open business models, ecosystemic organizations and platforms: he worked on these topics in edge contexts such as emergent, self-managed organizations, and startups but also with large institutions, ranging from Fortune 500s to the UN, to explore and experiment a new theory of organizing for the XXIst century.
In 2013 as a result of his experience with open and systemic business models, Simone created the first fully open-source methodology for Platform and Ecosystems thinking – the Platform Design Toolkit – an approach that effectively contributed to kickstart a new design domain, and now accounts for more than 70 thousands practitioners all over the world. This and other works allowed him to be featured in Thinkers50 Radar class of 2020.
Showcase Session
26 February, 19:00 SGT/12:00 CET

Ecosystem Manager Demo
Christoph Schwienheer & Sebastian Voigt
Managing Directors at Axel Springer hy Technologies
Increased complexity and decentralization require new innovation processes. Innovation does no longer take place solely within a company anymore, but worldwide and decentralized. The pace of new competitors entering the market is constantly increasing.
Thus, it is essential to actively manage startups, partners and innovators in the company-own ecosystem.
Companies who analyze their own ecosystem in a systematic and technologically-driven way will have an edge in the race for the future. The hy Ecosystem Manager helps companies to actively manage and extend their corporate ecosystem. Its database comprises 1.3 million startups and innovative companies. Its innovation radar highlights investment and media trends in certain industry spaces. Its news module delivers real-time ivnvestment and partnership news about the corporate ecosystem.
Christoph and Sebastian will show a demo of the hy Ecosystem Manager ( and how it can be applied to excel a company’s innovation processes.
Showcase Session
26 February, 20:00 SGT/13:00 CET/7am ET

How To Build a Digital Innovation Platform to Drive Successful Transformation
Christian Resch
Product Manager at ITONICS
You’ll typically start with analysing your corporate environment by scouting, assessing and acting on emerging trends and technologies as well as identifying relevant competitors, start-ups and partners. Combining this insight will lead you to a strategically aligned portfolio of opportunities that you should act upon. Aligning your existing and future innovation activities with those strategic opportunities, will future-proof your company’s strategy for disruptive changes.
Showcase Session
26 February, 21:00 SGT/14:00 CET/8am ET

Use An Ecosystem To Build An Ecosystem
Aaron Overmeyer
CEO at IND.Academy
What is an ecosystem? Buzzword vs. reality! What are core values of an ecosystem?
Aaron will share mainly practical experiences on their way to building an ecosystem within the field of digital learning in the manufacturing area. He is also going to share what helps and and how it impacts them as a joint venture to be part of a company building ecosystem themselves- and why he believes that ecosystems will help us all to get better in the area we work.
Your Moderators

Adela Villanueva
Founder & CEO/CVO - ALKELIOTrilingual professional with 15+ years of experience transforming, accelerating, growing and scaling F500 organizations, startups, people and businesses around the Globe

Adi Mazor Kario
Innovation and Value Creation Expert, Invincible Innovation FounderAuthor of "Innovating Through Chaos: The proven formula for launching unbeatable products during uncertain times"

Deborah Reuben
Founder & CEO, TomorrowZoneCEO and Founder of TomorrowZone® and the Beyond Convention EF Innovators UnConference, a platform inspiring fresh ideas and collaborations to shape the future of equipment finance.

Jennifer Tsitsopoulos
Senior Business Designer and Innovation Strategist at Board of InnovationJenny entered the field of insight and foresight as a Cultural Strategy Director for J&J, PepsiCo, and Air New Zealand - now she applies a long term view of the future to business model design, while studying for her masters in the field of Foresight at the University of Houston.

Jordi Rafols
Founder and CEO at, one of the largest online Open Innovation Networks for technology scouting and knowledge transferJordi has been directly involved in hundreds of Open Innovation projects in a wide range of different industries and has worked with several companies in the evaluation, development, and deployment of their Open Innovation programs.

Lorraine Margherita
Change Catalyst at Co-DynamicsLorraine brings her expertise in collective dynamics to your leadership team and to your management team, to build on the culture of your organization and trigger individual and collective performance.

Olga Bykova
Senior Innovation consultant & Business Lead at Board of InnovationOlga Bykova is helping the largest healthcare & life sciences organizations uncover opportunities for growth and get products to market faster. She started her innovation journey at the Walt Disney Company, leading Strategic Foresight teams and specialized in Digital Transformation while getting her MBA at HEC Paris.

Paulo Malta
Managing Partner at InnovskyPaulo Malta has 25 years of professional experience and is specialized in Innovation Management, Business Model Innovation, and Customer Experience Innovation.

Roald Larsen
Big Kahuna @ Untaylored Business Design StudioHelping corporate innovation find, grow and build The-Next-Big-Thing

Sandra Steving Villegas
Partner at Founders IntelligenceA strategic growth and innovation expert with a passion for sustainability that has led dozens of corporate ventures from roles in New York and London

Scott McDonald
Co-founder at Modern AcceleratorScott helps brands to invent new products, services and business models for new generations of customers.

Tanja Eckardt
Senior Innovation Management Consultant at SopheonInnovation Manager with 25 years of Experience in the Development of New Products and Technologies
Peer Circles
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22 February, 19:00 SGT/12:00 CET/6am ET
Kick Off Circle: Clarity on Objectives
26 February, 16:00 CET/10am ET/7am PT
Wrap Up Circle: Preparing for Implementation
6 March 2021, 19:00 SGT/12:00 CET/6am ET
Check-In Circle: Implementation Progress
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