Your Market Is Bigger Than Your Product

Tony Ulwick

Founder and CEO at Strategyn

as recorded on 26 October 2021 as part of Innov8rs Connect on Foresight & Business Design

Companies often define the markets they serve around the technology in their product offerings—a technology that one day will become obsolete.
Clearly, this is a mistake, but it’s one that has been repeated by hundreds of companies over the decades.

Where are the companies that defined themselves around CDs?

They spiraled to their death when MP3 technology came along.

And where are Blockbuster and Kodak now?

In this session with Tony Ulwick, we discussed:
– What’s wrong with traditional market definitions?
– What’s to be gained with a new definition?
– How should businesses define their markets?

About the speaker

Tony Ulwick is the Founder and Chief Executive Officer of Strategyn. He is the pioneer of jobs-to-be-done theory and the inventor of Outcome-Driven Innovation. His work has helped the world’s leading companies launch winning products and services with a success rate that is five times the industry average. His best-selling book, “What Customers Want,” and his articles in the Harvard Business Review and MIT Sloan Management Review have been cited in hundreds of publications. His work has defined a new era in customer-centric innovation.

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