Portfolio Predictability: Know What to Measure, Create Project Comparability, and Predict Expected Outcomes

Rafael Chaves Lopes

Managing Partner at Trimaran

as recorded on 17 June 2021 as part of Innov8rs Connect Unconference

Ideas, MVPs, startup partnerships & acquisitions, and full-scale products, all with their own specificities, co-exist under the innovation umbrella but hardly speak the same language. Because of individual approaches, processes, and KPIs, along with a lack of visibility and coordination between them, makes it barely impossible to create a unified portfolio management strategy, let alone predict ROI and other desired outcomes.

Rafael showed how, with the right metrics and KPIs in place, comparability is created between different ventures, to enable a global portfolio management approach. With this data and a few key assumptions, outcome predictability becomes possible, along with a clear understanding of where we are, where we’re going, and what is needed to get there. Thus, enabling portfolio managers and project leaders to work together towards effectively reaching company innovation goals.

About the speaker

Rafael is Managing Partner at Trimaran. Since 2010 he has built and scaled startups in Brazil, France, the US, and the UK. From equity crowdfunding to predictive behavioral analytics for recruiting, he has specialized in bringing early-stage ventures from concept to product-market fit. Previously, he worked for over 10 years as a trader and hedge fund manager for a Brazilian family office.

As he joined the corporate innovation world, the challenges being faced to innovate was something he felt his combined skills had some of the answers to. After a deep dive, he fell in love with the quest and made his life's purpose to be an enabler of innovation at scale. From that "why" Trimaran was born.

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