Building Sustainability Ventures-IHB23
- Climate & SDG’s
- Business Design
- Venture Building
- IHB23 Content Bundle
COO & Co-Founder at MING Labs
The Horizon Planning model is a staple concept in corporate innovation circles, alongside the clarion call that corporations must disrupt themselves or manifest breakthrough innovation. From these concepts flow strategic planning, product portfolio management, resource allocation and so on. But what if it’s wrong? Brant Cooper will discuss why the model is wrong and propose a new way to think about corporate innovation.
Brant Cooper is the New York Times bestselling author of The Lean Entrepreneur and CEO of Moves the Needle. With over two decades of expertise helping companies bring innovative products to market, he blends agile, design thinking, and lean methodologies to ignite entrepreneurial action within large organizations. Brant has a unique take on disrupting our current way of thinking in order to be closer to customers, move faster, and act bolder. He has experienced monumental milestones such as IPO, acquisition, rapid growth, and crushing failure. He serves as a global keynote speaker, mentor to entrepreneurs, and trusted advisor to corporate executives. His mission is to teach leaders how to find personal and economic growth through creating new value for fellow humans.
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