Reinvent to Thrive in Chaos

Nadya Zhexembayeva

Founder and Chief Reinvention Officer at The Reinvention Academy (USA)

as recorded on 31 May 2022 as part of Innov8rs Unconference

Ever-accelerating change and disruption keep putting extreme pressure on companies and individuals. At the same time, technological, scientific, and social advances bring new opportunities that can either destroy our business or become our next competitive advantage. So how can we survive – and even thrive? The answer is the one you’ve heard before: We must consistently remake who we are and how we deliver value to the world. “Built to last” is no longer acceptable: today, we must “build to reinvent”. In this session, Nadya will talk about how to develop the skills and system to reinvent ahead of disruption.

About the speaker

In Ventures magazine calls her “The Reinvention Guru.” TEDx Navasink calls her “The Queen of Reinvention.” Dr. Zhexembayeva is a scientist, entrepreneur, and author specializing in resilience and reinvention. As a consultant, Nadya helped such companies as Coca-Cola, Cisco, L’Oreal Group, Danone, Henkel, Erste Bank and others reinvent their products, leadership practices, and business models to meet new market demands and prepare for incoming disruptions. As a speaker, she delivered keynotes to over 100,000 executives, and four TEDx talks. As an author, she wrote several award-winning books – most recently, “The Chief Reinvention Officer Handbook: How to Thrive in Chaos.”

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