We’re still working on this new home, so bear with us and reach out anytime to community@innov8rs.co or by starting a chat via the blue button bottom right if something seems off.
We’ll be launching our 2022-2023 calendar soon – stay tuned for our virtual Learning Labs, new Community Club formats and more updates. Also, we’ll open up more Circles – groups of other innovators in a similar role, in the same industry, with the same interests and based out of the same region. Keep an eye out for updates on when Circles are hosting sessions in order to get involved.
In the meantime, we know you won’t be bored with 700+ hours of content available on demand. Again, let us know if you need any assistance- more than happy to help!
Heather, Hans and the rest of the team.
We’ll resume hosting sessions in September 2022… stay tuned!
We host 8 online events each year, each covering one key pillar of corporate innovation, and one Unconference program where participants set the agenda. For more details and to RSVP, click on the items of your choice.
Whether you want to deep dive into a particular topic, or you just want to stay current, stop Googling- this is your Netflix for innovation.
You will find the latest cards under “Latest Cards” (duhuh… ) and cards based on your interests (as per your Members Survey) under “Interest Cards”. For all cards, go here – soon, you can on that page filter and search to find exactly those content items that answer your questions.
Complete your 2022 Members Survey via the link below
For us to deliver the best possible membership experience, please complete this short survey to pick your interests for content, share your skills and experiences and more. Once completed, it will take 24 hours before your preferences start to inform the cards you’ll see here. If you have any questions, contact us via community@innov8rs.co