How Bayer Scaled up Lean Experimentation For New Innovations

Julia Hitzbleck & Narjeet Soni

Social Innovation Venture Design at Bayer | Product Strategist and CEO at Lean Apps

as recorded on 8 September 2020 as part of Innov8rs Connect Unconference

In this session with Julia Hitzbleck of Bayer, we talked about how Bayer started their innovation journey and created a 1B€ portfolio in last 4 years.

We covered:
Why Bayer started intrapreneur program? What is their innovation strategy?
What hurdles the innovation team faced on the way?
How did Bayer’s innovation portfolio grew from 2017?
What is their step by step innovation process – Challenge Identification to Ideation to Business Model Design to Incubation to Implementation?
How did Bayer set up experimentation at scale within innovation?
How are they now building a culture of experimentation for the whole company?

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