Value Creation: The Ultimate Competitive Advantage – Thoughts on Creating a Customer-Focused, High-Value Enterprise

Curt Carlson

Professor of Practice at Northeastern University

as recorded on 3 June 2021 as part of Innov8rs Connect Unconference

We are in the global innovation economy. There are abundant unmet opportunities in large markets, but technology often improves at exponential rates and global competition is increasingly fierce.
Unfortunately, today’s innovative success rate is often poor and most corporate R&D has modest value.

About the speaker

Peter Drucker famously said, “Because the purpose of business is to create a customer, the business enterprise has two, and only two, basic functions: marketing and innovation; all the rest are costs.” But remarkably, few professionals, teams, or enterprises have the value-creation and innovation perspectives and skills required to systematically identify and develop major new opportunities. Three value creation practices profoundly improve performance: 1. A focus on important unmet customer and market opportunities, to make an impact 2. Shared concepts and language for value creation, for efficient collaboration 3. Recurring team “Value Creation Forums,” for rapid learning and improving The ability to systematically create high-impact innovations is among the most important skills for assuring professional and enterprise success. Long term, it is the ultimate competitive advantage. Join this session to learn how to achieve just that.

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