Building Sustainability Ventures-IHB23
- Climate & SDG’s
- Business Design
- Venture Building
- IHB23 Content Bundle
COO & Co-Founder at MING Labs
How can innovation leaders create more impact?
How can innovation shape corporate strategy?
How do we develop the right innovation strategy for the 2020’s?
These are questions all strategy- and innovation leaders should be asking themselves.
As we get into the 2020’s we need to connect strategy and innovation in a new and powerful way. In this talk Christian Rangen showed how the Four Strategy Paradigms is the foundation for any strategy work. He showed how you can connect strategy & innovation to accelerate your transformation. You will get a series of new visual strategy- and innovation tools you can bring back to your company – 100% digitally, of course.
This content is available for Innov8rs Community members only.