What is Your Innovation Strategy in the 2020’s?

Christian Rangen

CEO & Co-Founder at Engage // Innovate. CEO & Founder at Strategy Tools

as recorded on 16 November 2020 as part of Innov8rs Connect on Strategy, Leadership & Governance, and Funding, Accounting & Metrics

How can innovation leaders create more impact?
How can innovation shape corporate strategy?
How do we develop the right innovation strategy for the 2020’s?

These are questions all strategy- and innovation leaders should be asking themselves.

As we get into the 2020’s we need to connect strategy and innovation in a new and powerful way. In this talk Christian Rangen showed how the Four Strategy Paradigms is the foundation for any strategy work. He showed how you can connect strategy & innovation to accelerate your transformation. You will get a series of new visual strategy- and innovation tools you can bring back to your company – 100% digitally, of course.

This content is available for Innov8rs Community members only.

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