Building Sustainability Ventures-IHB23
- Climate & SDG’s
- Business Design
- Venture Building
- IHB23 Content Bundle
COO & Co-Founder at MING Labs
For decades, companies experiment with various forms of innovation and venturing units, but the success rate is still variable at best.
But done correctly, the tools, skills and people in these units can contribute significantly to the future growth of their company.
This session dives into the question on how to setup a unit that maximizes its strategic impact to continously reinvent the competitive advantages of the business.
Based on an academic study with 29 corporate venturing/innovation units, countless discussions with executives from over 20 industries, and practical experience from more than 70 projects in established companies, different contemporary approaches for corporate venturing/innovation units are presented, that increasingly move away from former separated “greenfield” approaches to more interlinked, ambidextrous “StrategyLabs”.
As partner at the award-winning management consultancy Venture Idea, academic researcher at the leading German business school HHL, bestselling author, lecturer, and keynote speaker, Lysander Weiss offers forward-thinking research and advisory for strategic renewal in established companies.
This content is available for Innov8rs Community members only.